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  • 5 Post By ProperAnimal
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Thread: Nick in blade

  1. #1
    Junior Member ProperAnimal's Avatar
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    Default Nick in blade

    Hello all,

    I'm relatively new to shaving with a straight razor and certainly new to the forum despite having "lurked" for quite some time. I recently ordered a Dovo 6/8" and was really getting the hang of shaving with it until I noticed a considerable nick in the blade, shown here:

    Name:  straight.JPG
Views: 1545
Size:  115.5 KB

    Aside from not being sure about the implications of this, I have no idea how it happened. I've never dropped it or hit it against anything. I've traveled with it but it went safely in the box during transit. Could it possibly have happened due to improper stropping? I've read all the literature and watched the videos -- I keep the strop taught and use the "X" pattern while letting the pressure be applied by only the weight of the blade. If anyone has any ideas how this might've happened, I'd be very curious to hear them so I can prevent it from happening in the future.

    I'm also wondering about the repair process, I read a similar thread where it was implied that a nick like this could be honed out. I'm hoping that's the case with this one as I just bought it and I'd prefer not to buy another one just yet, as much as I like it. Any insight for a newbie such as myself? Thanks a bunch, guys.

  2. #2
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    How it happened, ? Unless you're using very long strokes on the strop and hit a part of the metals fasteners, im not sure! Yes, it can be honed out, but unless you have the stones and are proficient in honing, I would send it out to one of the members here at SRP. Here's a link to the member services section. Just send them a pm and refer them to your thread with pic. Good luck, and good shaving!!
    Member Services - Straight Razor Place Classifieds



  3. #3
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    High carbon steel is very brittle and it does not take much to chip. I think you dinged it and just didn't notice...

    It does not look too bad. send it for repair/honing.

  4. #4
    Junior Member ProperAnimal's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I do in fact make long strokes on the strop so I guess the most likely cause was hitting a fastener. I'll be sure to watch out for that in the future. I'm relieved to hear that this can probably be fixed. Thanks for your help.

  5. #5
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    Do you have any dermal implants you are shaving around?

  6. #6
    Junior Member ProperAnimal's Avatar
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    Haha, no I don't. Although to be honest, I only noticed the nick when I was in mid-shave so for a second I was trying to fathom if my jaw bone had caused a flaw or abrasion that led to it... as crazy as that sounds. I didn't even consider the metal fastener. I won't make that mistake again. I guess it can't hurt to have a back up razor either.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProperAnimal View Post
    for a second I was trying to fathom if my jaw bone had caused a flaw or abrasion that led to it...
    Heard of a strong jaw line, but never knew it was that strong!

  8. #8
    Junior Member ProperAnimal's Avatar
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    To follow up on this: Not long after creating this thread I received a quite unexpected message from the amazing Jane and Phil at The Classic Edge and they offered to fix it up free of charge. Although it seemed too good to be true, I assure you all it wasn't. I sent the Dovo off with a few others for honing (that I paid to have done, of course) and they arrived back recently looking as brilliantly new, flawless, and sharp as the day I acquired them. You'd never know someone as clumsy as myself once managed to practically ruin one of them. To boot, they came in a nice Cuban cigar box which is a something of a rarity itself for us Americans. A few samples and a nice hand written note were the icing on the cake. This is unparalleled customer service and they'll certainly be getting my business again in future. Anyone who has a similar problem to mine shouldn't hesitate to contact them to see what they might be able to do for you. These are great vendors and great people for sure!

    Name:  honeddovo.jpg
Views: 729
Size:  113.5 KB

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ProperAnimal For This Useful Post:

    ClassicEdge (04-06-2012), SirStropalot (04-06-2012)

  10. #9
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Glad to hear it all came out good! You're not the first to be impressed with The Classic Edge. Thanks for the update!


    ClassicEdge likes this.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to SirStropalot For This Useful Post:

    ClassicEdge (04-06-2012)

  12. #10
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    Few days ago when I first found their site I start to regret that I didn't found their beginners set earlier... now I also regret that I don't send my first razor to restore to them.
    Now they on my "1 place to have deal with" if I will need good customer support. As a person with master's degree in economics and management. I always appreciate good custom support and I'm even ready to pay more just to feel "like home"

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