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Thread: Razor Differences

  1. #1
    Xel is offline
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    Post Razor Differences

    I know a lot of people ask about what the "best" razor is, or if "Razor X" is better than "Razor Y." The answer universally given is that "it depends and is up to personal taste." I understand this answer, but it is still frustrating for someone who is trying to get into this to hear that when they come for advice. Through more research and conversations, I've found what I think will work for me.

    I think I've found another way to ask this question that will help future people that are in the position that I was in, because it will hopefully garner some answers that will be useful in the decision-making process. Here goes...

    What are some of the general characteristics of some of the common current brands of razors, such as TI, Dovo, Boker, Hart, etc? For example, which are generally lighter in hand or heavier? Are they all balanced equally, or are some balanced more towards one end of the blade or the other? What other things can be attributed to a particular brand? I know that many makers have a wide selection of blades, but there are also generalizations that I'm sure can be made (with some exceptions). With this information, someone who says "I think I'd like a blade that feels heftier" could look here and explore those blades that are described as having more heft in the hand. This information would also help me pick out future blades, since I've only ordered my first.


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    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    The answer would still be prety much the one you'd rather not hear, with the added information of blade size preferences. For exampla a 5'8 full hollow will be lighter than a 5/8 1/4 hollow,which in turn would be lighter than a wedge. However I will answer as best I can with my limited experience of different modern razors. Limited solely because I don't have a vast collection. I have two 5/8 razors I will offer a comparison of. One is a G&F Timor and the other a Dovo Pearlex. The only difference is a slightly handle heavier feel to the pearlex due to having slightly thicker scales and an extra pin (blade stop). Usability and handling of both these razors is on a comparison, with neither being any better than the other. As to balance, well I have other blades designed for throwing, my razors I use for shaving and both these razors seem to be equal in that handling regard. All my other raors are wider blades, and as a personal thing I prefer blades 6/8 as a miniimum. Wider is better with my preference going to my 13/16 or 8/8 razors. All my razors are also all hollow grinds.I haven't located a wedge in my price bracket yet, so haven't had the chance to try one.
    Others here will be of more help, but hopefully what I have said is a start for your information search.


  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The problem is folks want an easy answer to their question and the less they know the easier the question seems to be. Unfortunately it doesn't exist. There are no generalizations when it comes to razors other than the larger the razor and the heavier the grind the heavier the blade will be. Questions of balance and brands yield no real consistency so you just have to look at the individual razor and determine it's qualities and qualities you prefer.
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  5. #4
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    The fun of straight shaving is collecting and getting to experience a variety of different blades, finding out what you like. This is how RAD begins and there is no known cure.
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    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Xel, I feel for ya.

    Some of the reason you want to be so 'right' about the first purchase is 'cause you imagine it'll go to your grave with you. In truth, you have to experience the feel of the different sizes, grinds, steels to see what your combination of skin/beard/technique prefer. When you start, any quality blade with any quality edge will suffice. Why? 'Cause for months, you're still learning the shave and learning your facial topography. You try all kinds of facial expressions combined w/ strange stretching contortions until you learn what stretch and stroke work w/ your beard. This doesn't require the 'perfect' razor - just a good one (which can also be quite inexpensive - leaving you w/ funds to explore further). Once comfortable w/ the shave, connect w/ other members, get together, try each other's gear and you learn ALOT without going broke. Yes, many aren't afraid to spend for their 'ultimate' blade, but its gonna be quite a while before you have any idea what that would be. By spending humbly but well, you can learn and keep funds in reserve as you discover other blades that you like the feel of.

    If your travels take you anywhere near the Portland, OR area, contact me. Come over & try lots of gear.

  8. #6
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    I have to say, no matter how specific you get, there is never a real answer. For example, my stubble is relatively average (not super thick or coarse and not very light and girly) and a lot of similar guys like very hollow blades. I see a lot of guys with thick, coarse stubble who prefer heavier grinds.

    I tend to prefer a mid size (6 or 7/8) razor with a thick grind for some reason. Other guys may like an 8/8 full hollow. Who really knows why? There are too many factors that go into finding the right razor. Heck, even the examples I used are very general - I'm sure there are lots of guys with beards made of steel wool who prefer a 4/8 super hollow too.

  9. #7
    Xel is offline
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    Thanks for the responses. I wasn't asking what the best razor is, or which I should buy; I was asking about the specifics of some of the major brands. Does Dovo really have nothing specific to the brand as compared to TI, for example? Better or worse built? Generally lighter in the hand or heavier? Uses steel that takes a hone better, worse than, or the same as? The point of my question is this - the fact that people have preferences mean that there ARE differences in the blades. Many people that I've talked to have some brand loyalty, such as "I absolutely love TI razors". What I'm looking for in this thread are the qualities that would make a person say that. I know a lot of it is feel, but since we're men here and technically don't have feelings, there has to be something about the blades specifically that a person likes or that define the brand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xel View Post
    Thanks for the responses. I wasn't asking what the best razor is, or which I should buy; I was asking about the specifics of some of the major brands. Does Dovo really have nothing specific to the brand as compared to TI, for example? Better or worse built? Generally lighter in the hand or heavier? Uses steel that takes a hone better, worse than, or the same as? The point of my question is this - the fact that people have preferences mean that there ARE differences in the blades. Many people that I've talked to have some brand loyalty, such as "I absolutely love TI razors". What I'm looking for in this thread are the qualities that would make a person say that. I know a lot of it is feel, but since we're men here and technically don't have feelings, there has to be something about the blades specifically that a person likes or that define the brand.
    What you're asking can't be categorized in a quantitative fashion, at least not objectively. Every "favorite razor" thread, or even brand loyalty for that matter, is totally subjective; there are just too many personal preferences involved. Generally speaking, any brand of razor in the wiki database is considered good-to-excellent, meaning they are made of good steel, will hold an edge, have collectors value etc, which are the reasons why we like them. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.

  11. #9
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    for newer razors it can be argued that the price point matters. You shouldn't expect the same quality from a $90 Dovo that you'll get from a $500 TI Oak Wing.

    I think within respective price points of current manufacturers, though, that the main differences are aesthetic. I wouldn't say Dovo is any worse than TI in terms of shave quality. I have heard that Dovo is a little lacking in their quality control and some razors have flaws but you may find the same things in TI razors, I can't say for sure.

    I would personally opt for Thiers Issard simply because I like the look of their razors. If Dovo produced the same exact model, it'd be hard to choose.

    also, I agree. Men do not have feelings.

  12. #10
    Senior Member cflaageriv's Avatar
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    And it follows that simply put, peoples' tastes change. I know when I began shaving I moved down for a while, going from a 6/8 full-hollow to a couple of various grinds in the 5/8 range. I then tried a 4/8 and I found it pleasurable enough to shave with. But, as of late, I have found a real fondness for big, hefty razors; those big guys in the 7/8 and 8/8 range that you either love or hate. I think for me it really has to do with the less pressure, or force used when shaving. Instead, the weight of the bigger bugger really does a lot of the work. And, I'm kind of the opinion that with less pressure you're really treating the skin of your face a bit more kindly. Hate to get off point gentleman...but you just kind of got me thinking.

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