I've just made the same transition that you're about to embark upon (also with gear from Larry). Definitely take it slow, and start with just a small portion of your face to begin with. I habitually dive into things head first, and in this situation it bit me in the a$$ for sure. I'm almost a month and a half in and things are going great now, but it took longer to get to this point that it should have.

One thing that I always found to be misleading is that in videos on YouTube everyone says that they start with a WTG pass, and then proceed to do a straight north-to-south pass across their face and neck. For me WTG and north-to-south are two entirely different things. WTG for me is north-to-south on my face, but south-to-north for the majority of my neck. Don't let what you've seen on the 'Tube cause you to try to do a WTG pass any differently than with the DE. Remember those lessons you learned while perfecting your DE technique, and apply those to straight shaving. Some may disagree with me, but this is what I've found works best for me.