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Thread: Bleeding like a stuck pig - Shark blades

  1. #1
    Junior Member Vova's Avatar
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    Default Bleeding like a stuck pig - Shark blades

    So been shaving... I think around two weeks with my Parker shavette and mostly used the merkur blades I bought with it (I think I used the shark that came with it for the first shave). Used one again tonight and after several shaves without a single drop of blood I am bleeding like a stuck pig. I actually have to put this towel in the wash after trying my face its covered in blood.

    I think the shark blades are going in the trash and color me a merkur fan for now.

    Thinking a real blade is going on my birthday list in March, though I really do want one of those machines that warms the lather for you, not sure how much those go for . But I am loving the shavette thus far.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You might find a regular str8, well finished to be fairly reliable.

    Some of the guys liking DEs talk about running the more nasty sharp blades over a wine cork to tone down the harshness. I'll let the DE guys bring more knowledge to this.

  3. #3
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    If you've cut yourself with any blade,you're pressing to hard.Just my guess.
    jerrybyers likes this.

  4. #4
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    You might find a regular str8, well finished to be fairly reliable.

    Some of the guys liking DEs talk about running the more nasty sharp blades over a wine cork to tone down the harshness. I'll let the DE guys bring more knowledge to this.
    Good Advice! pinklather puts a really nice smooth edge on a razor and has used a DE, I know this because I've shaved with some of his straights and he gave one of his DE's to my son for a backup for when my son's ADHD makes shaving with his straight too stressful!
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  5. #5
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edwardd View Post
    If you've cut yourself with any blade,you're pressing to hard.Just my guess.
    I will digress! Anyone can get a cut and not because of 'pressing' a split second moment of lack of concentration, perhaps the lather dried out a little and the razor then 'stuck' or trying to adjust the angle while still in mid stroke! The possibilities are endless!

    Recently I personally received a very minor cut because while I was stretching the skin on my cheek, I lost the grip and the then non stretched skin met a very sharp edge! I've been shaving with a straight for almost 3 years! It happens!

    Yes It happens, fortunately it happens less and less as we continue the journey in the wonderful world of shaving with a straight razor. I would never ever go back! I look forward to each and every daily shave!

    Gute Rasur /glatte Rasur, mein Bruder der Klinge

    (Smooth Shaving My Brother In Blades)
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  6. #6
    Fear the fuzzy! Fear it! Snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vova View Post
    ... though I really do want one of those machines that warms the lather for you, not sure how much those go for . ...
    Yah, I call that thing tht keeps lather warm and old cup and the sink filled with hot water. Some here have scuttles, and that is a very good thing too, but until I look dejected enough and pitiful enough for the wife to buy me one, I'll keep my hot water and sink method going.

    In any event, I'd rather spend the money on razors than the accutrements that go with the shaving. I thought myself a basics type of guy, but can't claim that designation anymore given that my family spoils me and I have a lot of stuff that is, in the strict sense, not really necessary for a good shave.

    But I feel a good blade is the single most important piece of equipment, and perhaps your financial efforts (or practical inciting of present giving) should be concentrated there.


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    Sorry for side note OP

    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Good Advice! pinklather puts a really nice smooth edge on a razor and has used a DE, I know this because I've shaved with some of his straights and he gave one of his DE's to my son for a backup for when my son's ADHD makes shaving with his straight too stressful!
    What exactly does his ADHD do that keeps him from shaving with a straight? (I realize you said stress, but I mean what effects does said stress have)

    I have it (diagnosed about 3 months ago so always interested in info that I havent heard), and the only thing I can think of is my hand shaking a lot (mainly from meds, but thats beside the point).

    one of the many many reasons I started with a straight is to help develop a steady hand, and it has.

  8. #8
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    I have a mr coffee cup warmer from the bay that I've been trying. It keeps the lather warm, but tends to dry out the lather as well. I think I'll need to use two bowls, one with hot water, and put the shaving bowl into that one.... I'll keep working on it. I was using a sink of hot water, but it tends to cool a bit.

    You'll be much happier with a real straight. the classifieds here, or whippeddog will get you a blade for less than you spend on the dovo shavette and blades...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vova View Post
    So been shaving... I think around two weeks with my Parker shavette and mostly used the merkur blades I bought with it (I think I used the shark that came with it for the first shave). Used one again tonight and after several shaves without a single drop of blood I am bleeding like a stuck pig. I actually have to put this towel in the wash after trying my face its covered in blood.

    I think the shark blades are going in the trash and color me a merkur fan for now.

    Thinking a real blade is going on my birthday list in March, though I really do want one of those machines that warms the lather for you, not sure how much those go for . But I am loving the shavette thus far.

  9. #9
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Don't throw out the Sharks!!! They are very good blades (IMHO)!!!

    I swear by the SHark Super Chromes anyway. A good sharp blade to be sure, but I'm not certain they are fully to blame for your cut.

    I should tell you my story about cutting myself while shaving in the shower sometime, talk about bleeding, and it wasn't my face either!!!

    Good luck mate!

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

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