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Thread: Did I get the wrong Razor?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Did I get the wrong Razor?

    Hi All,
    Thought I'd share my experience with you. For years I have been using cartridge safety razors with cans of shaving gel, and a year or so ago I got a Merkur Futur brushed adjustable razor, together with a cheep brush and a pot of shaving soap, and I have been using that on and off for the past year.

    I thought it's about time for a change, so I've been looking at straight razors for a few weeks now. Watching the videos on you tube and reading forums I purchased an Edwin Jagger (super Badger Hair) brush, Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap, various creams from Proraso, including cut healing cream and a Shavette with a pack of double edge blades. My thoughts were, see what a straight razor feels like, and if I don't get on with it at least I have a good brush and care products to use with my Merkur Futur.

    My question is does a shavette replicate a straight razor? if it does, I may seriously think about giving up, I have only had a few shaves and half the tube of cut healing cream has been used up already.

    Should I have gone for a straight razor and not a shavette? or should I persevere and perfect my technique? (and get another tube of cut healing cream)

    Any advise is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Tsunami's Avatar
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    IMO get a real straight razor.a SR and what your using are two different animals. I would but a cheap Dovo thats honed by a professional and give it an honest shot. It's not much money and if you later decide you don't like it you can always sell the Dovo and recoup some of your investment.
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  3. #3
    Member Rori's Avatar
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    I totally agree with Tsunamis opinion.

    I have been shaving with straights for a year now. To try "the feeling of a straight" I bought an Italian Shavette (Vanta) before starting with straights. I had really bad cuts from using it. Never cut myself that way with a straight razor. Shavette and straight razor are two different shavers, that require different abilities. Keep in mind that DE-Blades do not have a flexible edge.
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  4. #4
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    ++1 on the advice in the previous posts.

    Get a real straight--either a Dovo "Best Quality" or a low-cost vintage straight razor from the SRP Classifieds that has been honed.
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  5. #5
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    I tried the Shavette and I found it to be pretty darn difficult. I did manage to battle my way through a three pass shave but it took over 90 minutes!! I remember thinking to myself that straights had to be easier. Then I got the Feather RG and I found it easier to use than the Shavette. I am still an absolute beginner with straights (first shave today) but I am guessing that the heavier and larger razor will be easier to control.

    I still wonder how these shavers would be rated by an experienced shaver. Would he, for example, be able to whiz around his face with any of the three types of razors or would he also consider the Shavette to be a bit tricky?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Tsunami's Avatar
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    I tried a shavette once and as I recall I could of done better with a piece of broken glass! lol
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsunami View Post
    IMO get a real straight razor.a SR and what your using are two different animals. I would but a cheap Dovo thats honed by a professional and give it an honest shot. It's not much money and if you later decide you don't like it you can always sell the Dovo and recoup some of your investment.
    he said it perfectly try out that advice and see how you feel!

  8. #8
    Senior Member ItalianJoe's Avatar
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    I started using a shavette and found it quite difficult. The blades are very sharp and unforgiving. I had many cuts some pretty bad. When I strated using a conventional straight I had very few cuts and an overall better experience.

  9. #9
    Fear the fuzzy! Fear it! Snake's Avatar
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    Wow... reading this I'm glad I never did the shavette thing.

    You may want to try Larry's site for a (really) cheap but very usable razor. You'll find his stuff at

    Best of luck,


  10. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Since you are in the UK Steve at the Invisible Edge, or Neil Miller would probably be the first places I would check... you can find both in the Vendors forum

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