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Thread: Is my razor sharp enough?

  1. #41
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    IME you absolutely must have a proper bevel set. Also you should be able to get great shaves from an 8k, everything beyond that is gravy.
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    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  2. #42
    Senior Member AcesandEights's Avatar
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    As most have already said, the HHT test, is subjective. For example: I have recently gotten back into using a SR. Having several of my Father's vintage (pre-1900's) SR's I sent to a few reputable SRP members for honing and a couple brand new, 'shave ready' SR's from 2 different retailers, I had a little 'gauge' for my honing and stropping ability.

    I first tried the HHT, then shaved with MY honed and stropped razor. Then each one of the razors I sent out to be honed and 'shave ready.' Then each brand new 'shave ready' SR.

    The results? Some passed the HHT, some failed the HHT. Some shaved well. Some shaved so-so.

    My conclusion? Technique, technique, technique! The more I use a SR, the better my shave results are...regardless of the honer. ((Keep in mind, I'm kinda OCD. So the SR's I personally honed, do pass the HHT as well as the 'other' "tests."))

    All I can say is: use a straight razor EVERY single day and really take note of how each shave went (prep of the razor, as well as prep of the face)). It only takes a few weeks to 'figure it out.' (3 weeks = 21 differnent variations.) But you have to really be honest and take note, if you will.
    Tomdraug likes this.

  3. #43
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by judgebc View Post
    I see Lynn's videos where he is shaving his arm at mid length. I have two professionally shaved razors from two respected sharpeners and neither will shave at mid length? I am going to buy a razor from Lynn to act as a standard. I have Shapton stones 500, 1,2,4,8,16 and 30k and cannot get a razor scary sharp. I am wondering if this is a myth. I am getting razors that cut hair, but not like Lynn's videos.

    I know this might come a a huge surprise

    "Your hair might not react the same as somebody else's hair"

    ALL hair cutting tests must be calibrated to you by you to be of any use, otherwise they mean diddly squat

    Many tests using your hair can be Calibrated using a new DE blade, ie: you are calibrating your hair not the edge

    Once you have that figured then the Hair Tests "might" actually help you when honing...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 09-28-2016 at 05:51 PM.

  4. #44
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    I'm also a newbie to straight razor shaving. I started out with a shavette. It is much sharper than a straight and the blade doesn't flex much. The result, a very smooth shave with a lot of nicks here and now there. Then I acquired my straight of eBay, one of those "straight ready" razors. I had to have it honed by an expert as it wasn't really giving me a decent shave. Now I've been using my one and only straight for about two months now. I've maintained it with the strop and I recently tweaked my lathering by adding more water. The result is that the straight razor feels like it glides on my face with each shaving stroke. I'm getting a better shave and the shaving experience is enhanced. It's a wonder what a few drops of water on the lathered brush can do for your shave. I also think my prior experience with the shavette, as far as the sharpness of the razor and the shaving experience itself helped me when I transitioned to a straight razor .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #45
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    Get some grapes or cherry tomatoes With almost no pressure a properly honed & stropped razor should slice with no tugging. You shouldn't even feel it cut into the fruit. I saw Dr.Matt's video using the cherry tomato & wanted to try it but we had no tomatoes But a large group of grapes. They work great. I am trying out my new 16K. Shapton & testing with grapes. Be sure & clean the blade well so the juice does not stain the blade.


  6. #46
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    you kknow, I think that's goos news that you don't have to do the HHT to make sure your blade is sharp enough.. I dont think i can affor the luxury of pulling hairs our of my already non very populated scalp!!!!

  7. #47
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slawman View Post
    Get some grapes or cherry tomatoes With almost no pressure a properly honed & stropped razor should slice with no tugging. You shouldn't even feel it cut into the fruit. I saw Dr.Matt's video using the cherry tomato & wanted to try it but we had no tomatoes But a large group of grapes. They work great. I am trying out my new 16K. Shapton & testing with grapes. Be sure & clean the blade well so the juice does not stain the blade.

    I've seen that video and, as I recall, he was using the tomatoes to test his bevel set. I don't see how this can be used to test a finishing stone like the Sharptonn 16k. In my opinion, the ONLY way to test a finisher is the shave test.
    onimaru55, chipvj and samda like this.

  8. #48
    Senior Member chipvj's Avatar
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    Actually a properly honed kitchen knife will do the same thing, I keep mine that sharp at all times. I don't see how cutting fruit and a test shave can compare. Leave the fruit in the ice box and test shave.
    onimaru55 and samda like this.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    The more I think about shave tests the more I come to the conclusion that its possible to use what ever you want. If your test can correlate somehow to a positive shave test and you have the sensitivity to gauge a grape to a good shave consistently than who am I to tell you that its not valid. If you can teach yourself to make that comparison and it works for you I don't see why not. Its your test its your shave. Tomatoes, Grapes, arm hair, hanging hair, Potatoes what have you. Nothing to freak out about here lol. Experiment have fun enjoy.
    Don't drink and shave!

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