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Thread: Questions about my razor.

  1. #1
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    Default Questions about my razor.

    Hello all,

    Long time Lurker, first time poster.

    First, some back story.

    When i was sixteen, I was given this Otto Deutsch "HANS" razor as a gift (almost a cast off) and taught how to shave with a SR from a friend. I never did anything with this razor, and when i went into the service, I was not allowed to use a SR anymore. so I got in the habit of using cartridges.. Well, the other day I went to Wally world to get some more, and realized I was going to pay over thirty bucks for not even a months worth of cartridges. So I have had enough. I came home and dug this razor out of the bottom of my knife box. I polished it up with some metal polish paste and took a good look at it. Now for my question...

    After polishing, I noticed that there's some pitting on the blade. The edge is still silky smooth, but with the pitting, would it be worth going any farther with this blade, or should I start looking for a new one?

    Thanks in advance.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    There are A LOT worse blades out there that people use. Why not send it to one of the honemeisters on here and let them do what they do. That way, you'll be learning all over again with the proper equipment.

  3. #3
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    I can hone it myself, I've got the equipment and the knowledge, I was just looking for other opinions to kinda re-enforce my own. It's not as bad as I think it is lol.

    I'm 36 now (seems so far away from sixteen when i was given this razor) but I'm nostalgic i guess heh. I will clean it up a bit, and maybe get someone to put new scales on it. I like the look of carbon fiber scales...

  4. #4
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    FWIW --

    If the pits aren't deep enough to show at the edge . . .

    . . . It's a Solingen blade, I think. Hone it and use it.

    If honing shows that the pits are too deep, you will have wasted a bit of time, but no more than that.

    Del1r1um likes this.

  5. #5
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    Take it from me, do not try to hone this razor yourself. Sharpening a knife is what we call setting the edge. You then have to hone and polish. Since you do not have any real straight razor shaving experience you will not know if your problems are technique or razor.

    Take it one step at a time. Have the razor honed. Learn to shave, and then get into honing.

    I have used a straight razor exclusively for a year and a half, and I still on the learning curve.

    I have honed over 25 razors and I am amazed at how much better I get each time.

    Take it slap and in steps, you will be well rewarded.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Saz, FWIW, that razor is rather sought-after. Its also VERY hollow, so any attempts to remove pits must be done with great care. That you've done some work on blades is great. That doesn't mean that you have to do all work on every blade. This is a pretty special blade. Unless forced by finances to do all the work yourself, I would consider letting a pro work it.

  7. #7
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    I'm not a novice, just re discovering the art Like I said, I have the knowledge, and the equipment. I have honed razors before, but not done restoration. This one was given to me, but I shaved with a different razor. This one just set by the wayside until now.

  8. #8
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    get that razor shaving again...death to all cartridge razors

  9. #9
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    In my Humble opinion.. the only answer that you really need on this razor lies at the end of the honing session. If you get a clean bevel, move up in grits and sharpen/polish... if the edge crumbles, you're out of luck.... if you get a smooth shaving edge, you'll be in business. If I had that razor, and got it shave ready... I wouldn't push my luck with a resto (but that is just one opinion )

    Ok Ok, knowing myself... i might actually try hand sanding it, if I REALLY got the urge to clean it up (and I mean REALLY got the urge)... but you're in for some work there. Personally I would be hesitant to take that one to the buffer, but then again, I've done it with razors in similar to worse shape
    Last edited by Del1r1um; 02-19-2012 at 08:58 PM.

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