Hi all, still getting started in the world of straight razors after purchasing a double arrow razor from eBay. So far I have managed to set a nice even bevel on it and get a decent but fairly uncomfortable shave from it. The problem I am having with honing is that after I set the bevel with my 1k stone I can't remove the visible scratches although I can get the bevel to be very shiny albeit with scratches on it. I am using a 1k, 3k, 8k, 12k stone and 0.5 micron chromium oxide on balsa strop. The stones have been lapped with 1000 grit wet and dry on a plate of glass. I followed the video on youtube of lynn honing from start to finish but I am still left with visible scratches even after the 12k. Have also ordered a shave ready dovo so I can compare. Any help would be appreciated.