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  1. #1
    Patriot superpatriot's Avatar
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    Default Boker Edelweiss or Dovo Carpe Diem?

    I am new to Straight Razors and I have decided to get either the BOKER EDELWEISS 5/8 in Bone Handle or DOVO Carpe Diem. I have looked through these forums and I have seen positive reviews on both these razors. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Like I said, I am brand new to this, so I want a decent razor that will help me learn. I have read of people buying substandard razors to learn on and cut themselves up or of people buying high end razors and destroying them. I want something reliable that will help me learn and hopefully stay with me.

    Also, what kind of bone is the bone handle? I have read that old razors had cow bone handles, but I don't know if that is what is used now.

    Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    I have plenty of dovo's and quite a few vintage Boker's. I have always wanted to compare the old to the new so my vote would be with the Edelweiss. Plus it just looks sexy. I believe it is cow bone. People use all different sorts, but if it were anything else they would specify as it would increase the price.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by alb1981 View Post
    I have plenty of dovo's and quite a few vintage Boker's. I have always wanted to compare the old to the new so my vote would be with the Edelweiss. Plus it just looks sexy. I believe it is cow bone. People use all different sorts, but if it were anything else they would specify as it would increase the price.
    I have used both old and new Bokers, and found them both to be fine shavers. Very Best, John

  4. #4
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    I just recently got a Boker Edelweiss as a gift and it is fantastic. The bone scales are very durable and I just love natural materials so it has a nice visual appeal for me. Shaves great, and even though I only have 2 it's my favorite. Simple, classic razor.

    The great thing is that you really can't go wrong with either. Both are well-respected and proven razors and you'll be happy with either.

  5. #5
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    I personally love the look of the dovo your talking about. It would be my choice, but thats me let us know what one you get and be sure to post some pics!

  6. #6
    The Knight who says NI! mcgyver74's Avatar
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    I am not a fan of newer Dovo's so I would recommend the Boker,

    But if this is your first razor, maybe you should get an inexpensive shave ready razor to learn with and be sure this is something you will stick with before you spend money on the nicer razors (Plus once RAD hits you will want vintage razors galore )

    I would suggest going to see Larry at Whipped dog and getting his 54 dollar sight unseen special which includes a strop and razor.... Then once you are comfortable you can let loose getting nicer stuff

    Good luck!!!

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  8. #7
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Ibave never had a bad Dovo. You wouldn't buy a cheap gun if you were starting a gun hobby.

  9. #8
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Ibave never had a bad Dovo. You wouldn't buy a cheap gun if you were starting a gun hobby.
    why not? i have purchased cheap guns before, they were good names and were not bought for looks. they shot well. same with a razor you can get a great vintage razor that does not cost a lot but shaves very nice.

    as to the old vs new bokers and dovos, the older ones seem to behave better on the hones and the newer ones just feel a little different when honing. as for the shave, if i did not know which one i was using i would be hard pressed to tell whether i was using a new or vintage blade, allowing that they are the same blade design. but i feel confident that i could tell my bokers from my dovos.

    buy the one you want. but, understand that when you are starting out you are more prone to accidentally dulling the edge of the razor or nicking the strop so you need to consider that when buying your first kit.
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