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Thread: Anxious Newbie

  1. #31
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Yes, you are going to see the bright shine along the side, that's normal. You need to have the razor setting on its spine and you use a loupe and strong light to look right down on the edge and slowly "rock" the razor back and forth on the spine to look for bright spots on the edge. The bright spots will twinkle. Get the idea?

    Yes, it is awkward at first and it takes time to get the feel of not adding pressure. Just keep at it and you'll achieve the zero pressure.
    Quote Originally Posted by Link8382 View Post
    I am attempting a zero pressure approach but being new at it and the feeling still a little awkward I am probably still applying a little pressure when I shouldn't. I have looked at the edge without a loupe and I can see the bright shine all along the edge on both sides of blade.

  2. #32
    Plays well with others! Link8382's Avatar
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    Woo Hoo! I got my first full face sr only shave. Its only been three weeks but things are finally starting to get better. Razor burn is down to a minimum, my stropping is getting better and after a lot of trial and error with lathering and pre shave prep it's slowly coming together.

    Thanks for all the help from the community at SRP.
    niftyshaving likes this.

  3. #33
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Great show!! Remember, this is an ongoing learning experience, so as time continues, you will progress. Keep doing what you are doing and you think things are better now, in a period of time you'll really have some more awesome shaves!
    All the best!
    Quote Originally Posted by Link8382 View Post
    Woo Hoo! I got my first full face sr only shave. Its only been three weeks but things are finally starting to get better. Razor burn is down to a minimum, my stropping is getting better and after a lot of trial and error with lathering and pre shave prep it's slowly coming together.

    Thanks for all the help from the community at SRP.

  4. #34
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    I too work lather into the strop on occasion except that I use the side of a heavy coffee mug. The mug helps even down the high spots in the leather. I also rub my hand up and down the strop a few times before every use. I think that the warmth and skin oils seem to even and smooth the surface too.

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