I've been using a straight razor for several months now on a daily basis. My collection of razors includes (2) Thiers Issard, (2) Dovos and (1) unknown make 5/8 razor. I have gotten good at stropping and honing and can get my razors very, very sharp. At least sharp enough to pass the hanging hair test. But, I have noticed that my two full hollow ground "singing" razors get dull very quickly and need to be stropped not only after each pass, but sometimes during as well. My half hollows can make it through a pass or two, but definitely need stropping before my third against the grain pass. All of my razors are 5/8. My questions are: Do I have a thick beard needing a 6/8 or maybe a 7/8 razor? Or is it normal for razors to dull quickly during a shave needing stropping several times?

Many thanks, Daren