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Thread: Razor burn

  1. #1
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    Default Razor burn

    Hello I just started shaving with a straight razor. For now I'm using a Parker replaceable straight razor. I need some tips for shaving my neck. I shave everyday and have never had a problem with razor burn until I started shaving with a straight razor. The razor burn goes away after about an hour or so. Any clue on what may cause this?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mastershake's Avatar
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    Too much pressure or incorrect blade angle would be my first guess. The Parker has a fresh blade right?
    If you graduate to a true straight razor it would help also, they are easier to shave with than a replaceable blade type like the Parker.

  3. #3
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    it could be the razor, cream, soap, are leaving out way to many options here. Let us in on the details of the shave that gave you this problem and you will get much more help...ex. what you used, how long it took, where you started, xtg, wtg??? once you explain the shave better, everyone should be able to help narrow down the problem

  4. #4
    Mr. Baby Face DerekC's Avatar
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    The best advice is to settle for a mediocre pass, or a simple "hair reduction" pass, instead of super smooth. Do this until your technique improves. That, or revert to your old shave method for your neck until your technique is dialed in.

    Even with experience and technique, one of the hardest spots for all of us to shave is the neck.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Irritation during the first few shaves is a very common experience. There are many possible reasons. Getting used to the razor skin wise can be one of them.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
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    The blade is new. I'm using the dovo shevette blades. I use a Edgar best badger brush. The cream I use is called head slick by headblade. I use it on my head as well. I shower before I shave and exfoliate my face as part of my prep as well. Now that I think about it. To much pressure might be my problem. It will be my third go at it to night when I get home. The second time it was as bad. But razor burn is razor burn. It sucks. I'd like to get a real blade. But I don't want to pull the trigger on the kind of spending yet. For the stones and strops and all that. I'd like to get the hang off it with a cheep o depot first. It is a really cool way to shave.

  7. #7
    Member Moorefield1's Avatar
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    I am using a Parker disposable with Merkur super platinum blades and have the same problem. I think a real straight would really help. When practicing honing I have tested by shaving my forearm. Even with a blade I am not confident is "shave ready" it feels so smooth end easy. The Parker really digs in and has no forgiveness even on my arm. Take this with a grain of salt though as I am nearly as new as you. My temporary solution is to load up with after shave lotion.

  8. #8
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    Well... Pressure was the culprit. It took me a little bit longer but well worth it. No burn. But I only did two passes.

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