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Thread: ATG on the chin

  1. #1
    Senior Member Cavere's Avatar
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    Default ATG on the chin

    So I am finally getting to the point where I feel comfortable enough beginning an ATG pass on my neck. I was trying to do one on my chin today and it felt like the razor was just getting grabbed and I know that if I try to apply anymore pressure that I will be bleeding. Is this a common thing? I have a goatee so shaving around it on my chin is a challenge for this newbie.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    This happen when my razor is not as sharp. Try refreshing the blade (if you haven't in a while) and try again! With a scything motion of the blade, you can get by with less than a freshly sharp razor. I refresh my blade, about every three to four weeks, but I have a stainless steel, carbon steel I hear, every two to three weeks for beginners (we are harder on the edge than others with experience). Double O

  3. #3
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    It can still be challenging even with experience. Even with a sharp razor I have to use very short strokes ATG on my chin, otherwise the same thing happens. Long sweeping strokes simply do not work for my face. But then again, I very rarely feel to need to shave ATG all over.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cavere's Avatar
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    This was only my sixth shave and I gave it a good 75 laps on the strop before shaving. I only use short strokes on the majority on my shaving. Should I maybe take it to the balsa that I got with the razor from Larry at whipped dog?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavere View Post
    This was only my sixth shave and I gave it a good 75 laps on the strop before shaving. I only use short strokes on the majority on my shaving. Should I maybe take it to the balsa that I got with the razor from Larry at whipped dog?
    No, your razor should be sharp, specially if it was hone to shave ready, which it looks like it was. I always finished my chin with the DE for the first 2 months. If your bent on doing it (keeping styptic pencil on the side), try short strokes with a little more pressure (this pressure starts low and increase as the short strokes progress with the blade always moving), watch the angle, to much and you can get cut, too little and you can slice your skin or cause major razor burn. Keep the razor moving and don't hesitate to pull away at the first sign of a bite. I find that I can get into a rhythm by buffing the same area then increase a little more pressure until most of the hairs are gone (can you say razor burn?) I have 4 month of str8 shaving and dough I can get the hairs on my chin, I always end up with some razor burn on that area, even on a perfect shave to this day. Hopefully with time I'll get the right angle and the right pressure to avoid this.

    I've seen videos where they go one sweep around the chin, maybe that's the way to really do it and avoid razor burn. For now I don't feel confident to do it this way. Good luck, let us know how it goes. Double O

  6. #6
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    P.S. stretch the skin on the chin while going ATG

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