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Thread: The other way around, straight -> DE?

  1. #1
    Member KempieG's Avatar
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    Default The other way around, straight -> DE?

    Greetings shavers,

    So far I've been straight shaving for about 4 months now, and has it been worth the ride!

    I often stumble across small remarks about people saying that they pull out the DE if they are in a hurry. However I was wondering in what way would that really speed up the shave, since most of my time goes into the pre and after shave. Since I don't have extreme facial hair I get along with a XTG and a ATG then I'm smooth, takes me about 3 minutes I guess?

    Now I bought a package of old barberstuff from a local antique store, contains all kinds of funny things, like old advertisements about soaps, brushes and hair which is really nice to see. It does also contain 2 straights and 4 DE's so I will probably give DE-ing a swing anyway to try it out sometime. Just interested in the major differences with a DE, will stick with the straight on the long term anyway

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    Default remove stropping before and after from the time doesn't take as long (esp. If you obsessively clean your straight like I do). The actual shaving time isn't too different if you are adept with your straight.

    DE shaving has its's kind of unfortunate it often gets relegated to "when I'm rushing"

    I have both and will most likely use both...for me it's like trying to decide if I want something sweet or savory for breakfast...not better or worse, just different. Depends on my mood.
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  3. #3
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    Each have their use. For some the DE is faster than a straight but it sounds like it won't make much difference for you. But it is different, like apples to oranges, both are fruit but taste different. Same with straights and DE's.
    I'm still learning to use a straight so it takes me longer, and it usually takes me a couple of passes with any razor. So for me a DE is faster than a straight, I'll use it before I go to work. But if I have the time I prefer to use my straight.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cavere's Avatar
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    I started de shaving after straight. And it certainly has its own charm to it. Even when I'm not rushing I stand there and think what do I want to shave with today?

  5. #5
    Member KempieG's Avatar
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    Stropping ofcourse, haven't thought that one out. But as you say I suppose there still isn't much of a time gain there. Cleaning is a quicky for me, just a few swipes on a tissue does the trick.

    After the weekend I'll pick up some blades and give it a swing.. Will let you now my findings! I like the idea of having more razors to choose from

  6. #6
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    I went through a period of time where I though of the DE as cheating. If I didnt have time to shave I didnt. Then I got caught in the Fatboy hype and was able to get one for a steal. I can now say that I enjoy my DE shaves almost as much as a straight. When my skin is not right because of a poor or rushed shave my 1930 tech is the only razor that I can use. They dont shave as close IMHO (not quite bbs but definitely dfs), but if you like shaving every day that is a good thing

    So now I have a 1930 tech, 1965 slim, 1958 Fatboy, and a 1912 style gem. They will always be part of my rotation because I love variety and each one has its own personality just like my straights, but with my DE's I get to mix and match the blade to the razor which is fun too.

    Have fun with it

  7. #7
    Plays well with others! Link8382's Avatar
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    I have only been sr shaving for a little over a month and when you add in everything required to sr shave it takes me about 30 mins. My beard is course and grows in a million different directions which slows my shave. I am really enjoying the slower pace and it isn't much of an issue unless I am crunched for time. I haven't tried a de yet but it has been on my mind as a means of a quicker shave when crunched for time.

    I too felt like it would be cheating (silly how the mind works). I will try a de in the future but I don't want to rush the sr experience. If I could get a 3 min sr shave I probably wouldn't consider a de shave. But then again a month ago I didn't consider sr shaving.

  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The learning curve is gentler for sure however it can be deceptive. You still have to find the right blade for the razor matched to you and you still need to find the right angle and some DEs like the R41 can be real nasty if you don'y properly use it.
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