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Thread: About the March tip of rushing into shaving

  1. #11
    Junior Member Leeward's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    O'Fallon, MO
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    And that's my plan. You worded that perfectly!

    EDIT: so another question in regards to maintaining. When I get my razor back form Lynn, from what I've read elsewhere on the forums, i do not need to strop it until after I shave correct? And then only strop it before and then after the concurrent shaves. And as long as I don't screw up the stropping, it shouldn't need any maintenance hone for maybe 6 months,unless it starts pulling, etc. This is all just so new! I hate screwing things up!

    EDIT #2: And Glen, I was just reading all the Tips you put up, and this statement answered 90% of my questions: "As to all those other tests the best way to learn them is buy a 5 pack of DE blades and try all of them to get a feel for them on a known edge when you start honing razors...." I have DE blades all over the place! Now I know what I can expect from my freshly honed Lynn razor! Thank you! Thank you! thank you!!
    Last edited by Leeward; 04-17-2012 at 10:10 PM.
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