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Thread: Hey everyone!! New to srp!

  1. #11
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    Sorry! I didn't see your response! Ima check those links out for sure. Using my iPhone to do all this and it's proving to be a pain. Thanks for the info, ima jump on computer shortly and start reading. I don't mind spending a little it if I know ima get something good I know one thing, straight razor shaves give the smoothest shaves, I was hooked after I had a barber shave me once, my first wasn't that good tho. Left some hairs here and there, and I didn't want to overshave.

  2. #12
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    Checked out that link, the fine gentlemens one, straight razor designs. I really like the dovo Bismarck. I hear to start off with a 6/8, so that's what I looked for. Seems really nice, and they come shave ready. What you experienced gents think?

  3. #13
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    It's good razor, also I think (just IMHO) that steel on all modern razor such as Dovo and Thier almost identical, all the difference in handle and in engrave, so after right honing all this razors will give great shaves and all else up to you, how much you can spend and wich prettier to you.
    6/8 good size, but you can also look at 5/8, at the beginning you will not fell the difference
    Last edited by Bonbon; 04-19-2012 at 06:11 AM.

  4. #14
    Seņor Member (the name is Dave) DFriedl's Avatar
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    I love my 4/8 F.A. Clauberg Tonsorial Gem. It was my first razor and is #1 in my rotation.

  5. #15
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    really? you like it that much? thats good news then maybe i have a good one. i just really liked the way the bismark looked :P would it be considered an entry level razor? i wouldnt mind spending the money to have a good razor, especially just getting into it, having a nice sharp razor that doesnt require a lot of skill to keep sharp would be nice. i know theres all different kinds of metals each with its own characteristics. Here is some pics of mine i got. you prolly have the same thing. maybe?Name:  image (2).jpg
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  6. #16
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imfast101 View Post
    I found an old barber in town that has used a straight razor for 46 years. Unfortunately it's been so long since he's used one he couldn't really give me any tips on honing. But he explained the mircoscopic teeth etc very well.
    The 'microscopic teeth' is wrong misconception that made its way into the barber's manual. Good razors honed well don't really have teeth.

  7. #17
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    did the pictures work? not sure if anybody saw them!

  8. #18
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    i guess i shouldve included in that reply, how do i remove what looks like tarnish? it might be little rust spots coming up that i can feel. maybe you can see in that pic. im debating getting that dovo. i really liked the wood handles tho, but the bismarks blade is pretty i did some research on the net, looks like i should look for high carbon steel and full hallow. keeps edge longer? sorry for all the questions, i mostly always double check info; but i do appreciate all the help! ima go ahead and send my razor off to straight razor designs, im guessing they are good. when i do that i might just go ahead and buy another, along with some new soap, and maybe some aftershave. i definitely need some, but theres so many choices! and i dont wanna go around smelling like an old man lol

  9. #19
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    damnit idk why i just dont make one big reply, but a lot of yall said that boker and dovo are pretty much the same, well all three makers that is. does anyone have any preferences over the other? and why? i like the boker arbolito too. seems nice.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    Ok I will try to answer with my clumsy English razor looks good after light polish and honing you will have great razor - SRD one of the best places to do so. About steel - I prefer carbon steel I think it more soft and forgiving and easier to strop, but stainless will hold edge longer, about hollow ground I still didn't make my personal opinion. If to chose between Dovo and Thier I prefer Thier just because I didn't like gold on the blade and Thier has clean polish blades.

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