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  1. #1
    Junior Member vitalMyth's Avatar
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    Default Help: Failing majorly w/ Artist Club RG

    I have been DE shaving for about a year now, and finally picked up a Feather Artist Club RG faux straight razor. I'm not up for the task and investment of learning to maintain a traditional straight yet, but I'd love to be familiar with the basic motions of a straight shave. My DE shaves have gotten very good, and I've put a ton of effort into my prep routine, lather building, beard mapping, and so on. I can achieve a BBS shave with rare and minimal irritation daily. My beard is boyish and, compared to what other men seem to deal with, is very much on the light/soft/fine end of the spectrum.

    I received Kai Mild and Feather Professional blades with my purchase. Took the plunge on the day I received it, with about 1.5 days' worth of growth. I loaded a Kai, did my standard prep and lathered up with Tabac because I've found it to create the most protective lathers of all my products. Much to my chagrin, when I brought the razor to my face, skin taut and angle shallow, it felt like I was trying to shave the bristles off a wire brush. I tried a few swipes in different areas, all with the same result. It felt as though I hadn't lathered at all and was trying to shave dry...the blade just would not get through my whiskers. I picked up a DE to make sure I wasn't crazy, and the shave was fairly easy and normal, but I did discover that my lather wasn't perfect - I'd have given it a 6/10. Finished up with the DE to fine results.

    After some research, I felt that I might be using too shallow of an angle, so I went a little steeper on my next attempt, doing my best to estimate 30 degrees. Tried again two days later, revisiting Tabac, and had the same result - seemingly impossible to get the blade through my whiskers. Removed the Kai and tried a Feather, and it was the same result. After some thought, I scrapped everything and started over, using new formula Proraso instead. It was marginally better, but I still couldn't really get anywhere. Again, switched to a DE and all was well - lather felt fine, shave was easy, results were good.

    I'm trying to pinpoint what I'm doing wrong here. I'm considering the following:

    - perhaps my lather is just not good for straight shaving, or simply not that great overall. Is there something different I should focus on in my lather for a straight?
    - being relatively timid and careful with this straight, I'm not moving it very fast. I have noticed a marginal improvement in my DE shaves, now that my DE technique is good, when I swipe the blade more quickly. Could this make a big difference?
    - I've tried to pull my skin to different degrees of tautness and find the "sweet spot," but it hasn't seemed to make any difference. Big deal or not?

    Thanks for any input! If the simple fact is just that I have to keep at it and get used to it, that would be helpful to know too.

  2. #2
    ace is offline
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    I have the Feather DX SS, and I'm currently using Feather Pro Guard blades. They are very forgiving, but the Feathers are so sharp much care is required in limiting pressure. My experience has been that they effortlessly cut whiskers. They also react to any pressure by cutting skin. Try the Pro Guards. They work fine for me.

  3. #3
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Something is difinitely up.
    A feather professional blade is as sharp as it gets in shaving.
    Be it DE's, straights or cartridges.
    I would focus on the prep.
    Firstly, a shower or a really good face-wash.
    Then apply a good and wet lather and let that sit for a couple minutes.
    Then, apply a warm and wet towel to you face and let that sit for a minute.
    Now, add lather again, wait a minute and then try to shave with the feather blade.
    If that doesn't cut hairs, then you are gonna need some Cryptonite in your den

    Now, a 30 degree angle using the feather is a bit too much. It is definitely not needed for a good shave from that blade.

  4. #4
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    I have not used a faux straight yet. I understand the feeling you are reporting, and I only experience it ATG in the mustach/chin area. One questions others may ask you, did you start WTG on the cheeks? Another point, the angles are kind of general, The 2 spine widths under the spine is a bit easier to visualize for the WTG pass, ATG is shallower. YMMV, but it sounds like you have the prep down well. Well enough it should not make it feel like your shaving a wire brush. The skin stretching is most likely adequate too. I hate to say slowness is an issue, but if a snail would beat your razor down the cheek, its a possibility. Can the blades take off arm hair fine? I seriously doubt they are dull, but never hurts to check.

    Since I cant help you, hopefully I can elicit more info for when more knowledge of us come along.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, with one of those razors one thing you know 100%, it's not the blade or razor. Something you are doing either pressure, angle or stroke is your problem.

  6. #6
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    I also use the feather dx. Are you stretching the skin with the opposite hand. It should really help.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Snuff's Avatar
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    It's your shaving technique, you're just not used to operating a straight razor yet. It will take some time but you should get great shaves after a few times. Can't be the blades since you tried two different ones, they are as sharp as they come. It isn't prep either in my opinion (although a good prep will help of course), as I can shave with a feather after just splashing some water on my face without a problem (not good for your skin).

    Have a look at these video's for some tips:


  • #8
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    I have a feather and do find it very convenient to shave with when I'm in a hurry. I only use the proguard blades and have never had I problem with there sharpness. ( hate to ask but do you have the blade seated the right way? I take mine apart and clean it in alcohol each time that I use it. Find that the blades does accumulate a bit of lather so I soak that in alcohol to clean it off).
    I'd clean it and try a proguard.

    Ps. Have you cut yourself with the razor yet! With the regular blades it should have been easy to do.(:-). If not, then it's the razor! Even with the proguards you need to be careful.
    Last edited by Johnus; 04-21-2012 at 01:11 PM.

  • #9
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    Send a PM to Maximilian and schedule a visit. He will be able to help you out.

    Have fun.

  • #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    Send a PM to Maximilian and schedule a visit. He will be able to help you out.

    Have fun.
    This is exactly why I keep coming back to this forum. Everyone is just so helpful - from the top down

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