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Thread: Got my son started interested in SR shaving

  1. #1
    Member Thirdman47's Avatar
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    Default Got my son started interested in SR shaving

    I got my son (23) interested in SR shaving. He needed some shaving cream the other day, and I told him I'd teach him how to make REAL shaving cream. Had him use my brush & shave soap (SRD lime scent). He liked that a lot.

    Once the brush thing got him interested, I asked him if he'd want to try the straight. Had him do just the inch & 1/2 on his right side below the ear, with his right hand. Told him he had to learn this skill an inch at a time, and get the feel of how the blade meets the skin. No rushing on this skill. He's moving in a few months to an apartment that he'll split with some friends. I told him he'll be the only one among his roommates (and probably anyone they know) who shaves this way.

    He liked it a lot. So I'm getting him a starter kit from Whipped Dog. If he doesn't like it after a while, no real harm.

    It's good to be able to spend some time & bond with your son and pass on a skill ... even if I'm just learning it myself

  2. #2
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    I think it's very nice that you have gotten your son interested in wet shaving. Perhaps this is something that will become a tradition within your family which he will then pass down to his children. I too am relatively new to wet shaving and sr shaving and have convinced one of my brothers as well as my girlfriend to use a DE and make their own lather. My girlfriend just recently completed her second DE shave of her legs. Yay, no blood.

    Back on topic, I hope that that time spent shaving serves as an outlet for you and your son to get away from everything and have 1 on 1 time together.

    May your shaves be close and careful.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Locke For This Useful Post:

    Thirdman47 (04-26-2012)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    nice,its the richt way, in the past its going alway from father on son ect.

  5. #4
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    I hope I will learn my son also, he is just 4 mounts (btw exactly today), so I think I will need to wait a little bit... but I'm already looking for his first razor
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  6. #5
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    I am going through a similar process, except I'm teaching MY dad. His dad always shaved with a straight but somehow he always used cartridges. It's fun to hang out with my dad on the weekends and talk razors and soaps. Now I just need to get him to switch from cigarettes to a pipe like me. (Or quit)
    JoeSomebody likes this.

  7. #6
    Senior Member Durhampiper's Avatar
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    That's great! I wish my son (age 25) were interested, but since he rarely shaves anyway, it doesn't seem likely. My older daughter's boyfrined has shown some interest, though. I recently helped her pick out a really nice pure badger brush from WhippedDog for him, and she got him a puck of a locally made shaving soap from our farmers' market. I showed him to to use them when he came to visit this past weekend.
    Thirdman47 likes this.

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    nipper (04-24-2012)

  9. #7
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    What a timely thread.

    Just last night my son, who is 26 went to the drug store to get some razor blades. He came back and said "I can't believe they want $4 a piece for blades, I didn't have the cash to buy a package. Maybe I should look at a straight razor"

    Not one to miss an opportunity, I quickly told him that I would give him one of my razors and teach him how to use it. He already uses a brush and decent shaving soap, all he needs is to get rid of the 4 or 5 blade monstrosity they call a razor.

    His eyes lit up when I told him I have not spent a single penny on blades in the last year. Being a chip off the old block, he also realizes that I'll give him a strop and touch up his razor on the barber hone. I think he likes the idea of saving money

    The last person to use a straight razor in our family would have been my grandfather, so it might be a nice thing to start a new tradition and do a bit of father son bonding at the same time.

  10. #8
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonbon View Post
    I hope I will learn my son also, he is just 4 mounts (btw exactly today), so I think I will need to wait a little bit... but I'm already looking for his first razor
    First and Foremost, congratulations on your son!

    I'll be 59 this coming August and I've wet shaved all my life!

    My father used a DE so that’s what I used! He then switched to an Injector so that’s what I used! He eventually ended up using an electric so that’s what I thought that I’d use---but I hated it! So I stuck with wet shaving! I ended up using the disposables but I finally found shaving Nirvana/Straight Razors!

    I’m sure that when your son grows up watching you use a straight, he’ll pick up on it! At the age of 17 my own son took up the art about two years ago and he loves it! I bought him a 8/8 Friodur for his Christmas present that year, a strop of his own for his next birthday and a set of custom scales for the following Christmas, and a custom made strop for his recent birthday.

    Check out his last Christmas present!

    Enjoy your son as children are precious!

  11. #9
    Senior Member Walt's Avatar
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    I really envy all you guys who have a son, grandson, brother, etc., who are willing to listen to your advice and accept your mentoring in this nearly lost art of the straight razor.
    I have daughters, granddaughters and a great-granddaughter, sons-in-law and a nephew. None of these male family members show any interest in shaving with a straight. Actually, I am looked on as a little weird by them because of my use of "torture devices". So, cherish that time you have bonding with your family members. Except for the nice
    folks who I have met through this forum I have yet to meet another person of my acquaintance who gives a "tinker's damn" about this wonderful hobby.

    Regards - Walt

  12. #10
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    That is great you and your son can share such a great hobby like shaving! Have fun!

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