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  1. #11
    Senior Member harold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees

    Be careful with steroids! I bet they work but they tend to cause the skin to become thinner. In the Netherlands they are prescription only because of that.

    If you use them regularly apply very very thinly. The thinning effect is irreversible.
    Yes, I heard about that, but this is a class I corticosteroid, we're talking in mg there not g of use. (and they say that the maximum lies at about ~50g usage of the corticosteroid per week, then you risk heavy chances of local side-effects, like skin-atrophy)

    but your skin does recover:
    Na hoeveel tijd lokale bijwerkingen zullen optreden is afhankelijk van de frequentie van smeren en van de sterkte van het hormoon. Hydrocortison-acetaat, een klasse I preparaat, veroorzaakt zelden lokale bijwerkingen, een klasse IV preparaat al na weken tot maanden. Het optreden van atrofie is iets dat geleidelijk aan gebeurt. In de beginfase zal de huid zich nog kunnen herstellen. Pas wanneer het preparaat maanden tot jaren achtereen wordt gebruikt, wordt de huid echt onherstelbaar beschadigd. Wanneer in de onderhoudsfase intervalbehandeling toegepast wordt (bijvoorbeeld driemaal per week éénmaal per dag), treden lokale bijwerkingen vrijwel nooit op, ook niet na lange tijd.
    (and notive that you're talking class VI then, something you can only get on prescription I believe)
    bron: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie

    Sorry I know the above is in dutch, but I just wanted to show Kees that sporadic use of it doesn't hurt. (but like in all things: over-use == abuse)

  2. #12
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    That's great news. It'll get better as your honing improves, too.

    Someone on these boards compared shaving with a straight to using a squeegie. No pressure; you try to just wipe the lather off.

    Keep at it,

  3. #13
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    As you've discovered, the HHT isn't the end-all-be-all test. I've never had a blade pass it, not my own, not honemiester-honed, not feathers, so I've had to use other tests to tell me it's getting ready.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harold
    Yes, I heard about that, but this is a class I corticosteroid, we're talking in mg there not g of use. (and they say that the maximum lies at about ~50g usage of the corticosteroid per week, then you risk heavy chances of local side-effects, like skin-atrophy)

    but your skin does recover:
    (and notive that you're talking class VI then, something you can only get on prescription I believe)
    bron: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie

    Sorry I know the above is in dutch, but I just wanted to show Kees that sporadic use of it doesn't hurt. (but like in all things: over-use == abuse)

    I checked this with our local dermatologist. She strongly recommends you don't use hydrocortisone on your face on a daily base. The 50 gram weekly thing is about systemic side effects i.e. adrenal cortex suppression and thinning of the skin all over your body and all other systemic side effects of steroids. You're right this will not happen if you use it sparingly.
    The local thinning of the skin of the face even happens if you use it sparingly on a daily or every other day base. She even recommends you start using it every other day for a couple of weeks and then stop it completely!

  5. #15
    grottolord grottolord's Avatar
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    hello my norton 4/8 is on the way
    my question is can someone explain the pyriamid?
    what is the system to get dull, nearly ready and just a touch up on a blade?
    i already have a .25/.50 diamond paste strop that i made last week.
    came out nice(oak base with balsa top 3.5"x12"). also have some 600,1500 wet dry paper,
    got a couple dull ebayers id like to work on.

    thanks for any help.
    Happy Holidays to all, "And to all a GOOD SHAVE".

  6. #16
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    The honing pyramid is a method of honing designed to help get the razor where you want it. One switches back and forth from the 4000 grit side of the honeto the 8000 side gradually increasing and then decresing the number of strokes on the 4k. So 1/5 means on swipe up and back on the 4k and 5 up and back on hte 8k. A regular pyramid would go up to 15 or 20 4k laps always followed by 5 8k laps (except at the end where a few more or less are determined by the individual razor and honer). A short pyramid would go up to 5 or 10 on hte 4k. A touch up would be a few 1/5 combinations or something in that range.


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