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Thread: Advice and a story, from one beginner to another, or possibly several others.

  1. #1
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    Default Advice and a story, from one beginner to another, or possibly several others.

    Let me start by saying that I’m only about a month into the str8 road. That makes me very hesitant to offer advice of any sort, but I feel last night may be a story worth telling. I would appreciate it if a Mentor could be sure to let me know if part of this sounds just wrong.

    It needs to be prefaced by mentioning SWMBO had a dinner appointment with a friend who was changing jobs. They were to meet about a half hour before I was to leave work so naturally I couldn’t attend. This meant I was home alone after work and not entirely sure what to do with myself.
    Having spent more time than I probably should reading the SRP forums yesterday, I naturally decided it was a good time to have a shave. No one else at home meant no distractions.

    I wandered about, fed the pets, and put a kettle on to boil water, transferring the water to a bowl I went to the bathroom and placed my mug full of hot water into the bowl of boiled water and took a nice hot shower.

    Realizing I actually had time for the first time in what seems like ever, I put the hand towel under hot running water and went to get dressed. Nice shirt, sweet shaving vest (went with the double breasted one, it’s summer I’m not wearing a jacket) and trousers.

    Taking the towel downstairs I put it in the microwave for 30 and turned on some Spanish guitar. I wrapped the towel around my face and went on to make my lather. I spent a good 4 minutes or so, until the song changed, working up a lather and happened to glance over and see some shaving gel left over from my cartridge days.

    With a shrug I spent about a minute working that into my face before applying the lather far more slowly than I had ever tried before. As I had time I decided to throw yet another variable into my routine. (I know that adding to many variables is normally a bad idea, but I was fairly sure this one wouldn’t hurt.) I cut my usual shaving stroke in half, having read about a hundred times on the forums to use short strokes, I thought I already was, but hey I had time.

    The important part is that it was the BEST shave I have experienced yet. It was the first time without so much as a single red dot swelling onto my face and while not quite BBS, closer than I have ever managed before.

    The advice part I think I learned was that it REALLY helps to make sure you take your time, and it’s just possible that what you tell yourself is a short stroke, isn’t really. As I mentioned, I thought I was already using short strokes, but shorter ones reduced the punishment for my sins from several small red dots to only a burn from the aftershave.

    part I'm curious about is, has anyone else tried using a King of Shaves Shaving
    Gel under lather. It seemed to help, but it may be improved technique, ability
    to take my time, or even the better lather that made me feel that way.

  2. #2
    I need a hone for my wit... CoreyZ's Avatar
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    Got to love the alone time to faceturbate!

    Do you typically use pre-shave products? If you havent... or dont... then that would explain the improvement with the gel. Some gels have a bit of lube in them to help the disposables glide better. They also have conditioners for the hair. Read a bit more in the pre-shave forum and try out some new stuff and see if you like it. I personally will use proraso pre-post shave cream under the first lather, put a hot towel on top of that and relax for a bit... then re-cream and re-lather and start shaving. It works great and feels fantastic on the skin.

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    I actually hadn't been using pre-shave products prior to this, I'm going to have to try a few out now though.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's just one of those things some swear by and some don't. No different than some love pre shave oil and some have no use for it. You experiment and find the products and techniques that work best for you. By perusing the forums you get an idea what others like and dislike but in the end you have to find your own way.

    As they say in the marines-"its your face, it may look like many others but it's yours and yours alone, take care of it and it will take care of you.".

  5. #5
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    Great to hear of your success - well done.

    I've tried the King of Shaves cream and couldn't get a bubble out of it, let alone a lather.
    It just clogged up my brush!!

    Glad the gel worked for you, though.

    Hang on and enjoy the ride

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