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Thread: Advice for getting started on my chin/under bottom lip...

  1. #1
    Junior Member sbpark's Avatar
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    Default Advice for getting started on my chin/under bottom lip...

    Tonight was the second time using the straight razor. My prep is legit and the same as when I use a DE, and can get BBS/DFS from the DE with no issues. It's not a problem with the DE< but with the straight razor, I am not able to get the blade going on my chin. This has happened both times. it just catches on the whiskers and hangs up, and this is the area where my beard is the thickest, but in all honesty, compared to most, I wouldn't consider my beard really heavy or coarse. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Possibly dumb question, but is it known shave ready? That area does tend to be the hardest for most of us, and will also expose a bad edge and or technique.

  3. #3
    Junior Member igga's Avatar
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    this may just be a case of the blind leading the blind, but here goes:

    when this happens to me its because my angle is wrong. In my case, the angle is too steep. I also find it easier if the blade has a little momentum already when it hits the hairs (By starting the stroke on some other (smooth) part of my chin first

  4. #4
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    That's how I did it at first also, it worked well

    Quote Originally Posted by igga View Post
    this may just be a case of the blind leading the blind, but here goes:

    when this happens to me its because my angle is wrong. In my case, the angle is too steep. I also find it easier if the blade has a little momentum already when it hits the hairs (By starting the stroke on some other (smooth) part of my chin first

  5. #5
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    CAVEAT: I am beginner who is just beginning to get close shaves at the chin. I haven't cut myself there yet. (but there is plenty of time left for that to happen)

    I will assume you have a truly sharp razor. This is a perfect reason to play with a shavette. IF your razor's edge is lacking ATG on the chin will tell you really quickly.

    The principal cause of chin troubles is the constantly changing angles. Whatever direction neck up, lip down, or side to side the razor has to move in some kind of arc to follow the contour and it is really easy to get the angle too high which will stall out your razor. The good news is your stroke is nicely controlled as you are stopping before the blood shows.

    One possible avenue of attack which has worked for me is lay the blade flat against the skin(the spine touching the neck) and move the razor slowly but deliberately into the whiskers as you bring the spine up. By saying "spine up" I mean no more than two spine thicknesses from the skin. Try it with a butter knife first. What you are trying to locate is the angle where your whiskers will give up to the blade and no higher. With practice that angle with become muscle memory in your hand and you can then concentrate on the motion of the stroke. NO pressure against the skin the stroke is like you are just wiping the lather off.

    I am a beginner but I am finally getting some BBS results on my chin by using a very sharp razor, very low angle (in my case against the skin), and keeping the skin stretched to force the whiskers above the flesh.

    It is similar to shaving the chin with a DE. If you get the blade angle too high it will either scrape the skin causing burn or catch the hair. If your pass is WTG and it stalls against the hair the razor can jump and cut the spot where it lands. If your pass is ATG and the angle gets too high the blade will follow to the skin and dig in. If you haven't gotten cut working at this it demonstrates a good grip and control of your razor. Persevere you will succeed.

    It just keeps getting better.

  6. #6
    Junior Member sbpark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodb View Post
    Possibly dumb question, but is it known shave ready? That area does tend to be the hardest for most of us, and will also expose a bad edge and or technique.
    yes, it is shave ready (purchased from SRD< so i know it was sent honed and shave ready) the first shave I didn't strop because I did not want to run the risk of messing it up. stropped it before the second shave, and it felt identical to the first time, making me think that my stropping was fine, as well.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbpark View Post
    yes, it is shave ready (purchased from SRD< so i know it was sent honed and shave ready) the first shave I didn't strop because I did not want to run the risk of messing it up. stropped it before the second shave, and it felt identical to the first time, making me think that my stropping was fine, as well.
    Sounds like an angle issue - also make sure there is a thick lather on that area too - it will help

  8. #8
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Less angle helps make things smoother while you are reducing the beard.

    Also, quick but very short strokes helps. Move the blade back and forth without losing contact with the skin and moving a little more forward with each stroke. Only have the blade about one spine width away from your skin on the first pass. Moving very slow can increase the pulling.

    Lastly, stretching the skin is important to reduce the chance of a cut and to make the hair stand up.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Crotalus For This Useful Post:

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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    Only have the blade about one spine width away from your skin
    I'm just loving this advice. Thanks.

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Use your tongue she said Use it to stretch the skin,use short strokes

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