Hey Parker,

Awesome man!!! You did great for the first time. I remember my first and I was so nervous that beads of sweat were getting in my eyes and making trails through the lather. LOL I agree with Carl, cudo's for not rinsing the razor, keep that pivot pin area dry!! I wipe mine on a fold towel during the shave and I usually wipe the blade, toe down, clean with a wet wash cloth at the end and dry it with a micro fiber towel and make sure there are no spots left on it, not even light soap residue spots. That will draw moisture and stain the blade with oxidation. I also lay the towel on my open palm and make a few light slow strop like passes to be sure the edge is dry and then give about 10 passes on web and then leather. Congratulations on your first, and especially for having the courage to video and post it!!!

