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Thread: Please forgive the exteme noobness of these questions!

  1. #1
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    Default Please forgive the exteme noobness of these questions!

    A little background first. I am one of those preppers you keep hearing about, and a few days ago I wondered to myself how I would shave in teotwawki once all my cartridges were used up. Finally I came up with the idea of getting a straight razor and learning its use. As such I have spent the last few hours reading all the beginner tutorials on this site. This was in hopes of not asking stupid noob questions, but I am sure I am going to fail at this proposition.

    So here goes: I read the preparing the shave tutorial, and more on different oils, creams and soaps. However, currently I am one of those few who just shave in the shower with nothing more than water, and no mirror (I will not be trying this with the straight razor). I do wash my face before hand and then rinse the soap off before shaving, but otherwise its only water which I shave with. Knowing all this, is it strictly forbidden to shave using a straight razor and no creams, oils, or soaps of any kind and only using water?

    Now as noob of a question I am sure this is, here is my reasoning for asking: As a prepper you have to stock pile things in the hopes you have enough to last any length of time you are prepping for. As such, and since the whole point of this is to not have to stockpile a ton of razor cartridges, it wouldn't make a whole lot more sense to stockpile a bunch of soaps or creams for said occasion.

    Also, as a side note, I do have a book which shows me how to make my own soaps from the lye extracted from fire ashes. Will using a simple bar of hand soap do for shaving with a straight razor?

    Thank you in advance for any advice you folks are able to provide for this noob trying to do his research.

  2. #2
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    First off welcome to SRP!

    If you approach this as a means to an end and not a hobby (as a lot here do) it can be a very economical way to shave.

    Now for the question of just using water yes it can be done. Occasionally there are people that come on here and do that with out trouble. However that is not normally recommended as most peoples skin won't handle a just water shave very well. The only way for you to see if it will work for you is try.

    The same thing here applies for hand soaps. There are some people that just use a hand soap like ivory to shave with. Most of us would find that shave very unpleasant and would not do it or recommend it. The only way for you to know if it is good for you is to again try it.

    If you are DIY guy you can such the forum for how to make a shaving soap. You will find some recipes for how guys did it themselves. That would probably serve you better then then the hand soap recipe.

    But there are some options for cheap shave soaps that will most likely cost you less then making it yourself. I mostly am thinking of arko shave sticks ( which can be purchased online in a bulk shipment for about a $1.19 a stick) also van der Hagen and Williams mug soap can be had at many local supermarkets and drug stores for a couple bucks.

    Pair one of those soaps with a van der Hagen boar brush and you a very economical shave soap set. You can buy the vdh deluxe shave set at most drug stores for around $10 which will have the brush, soap and a bowl to get you started.
    Last edited by Castel33; 07-09-2012 at 12:00 PM.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Castel33 For This Useful Post:

    ph308 (07-09-2012)

  4. #3
    Señor Member (the name is Dave) DFriedl's Avatar
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    I think that this is a very interesting approach. I also think that, since your objective is to be able to shave with a straight without specialty soaps, but not neccessarily to learn how to shave with a straight without using shaving soaps, I would probably start in the recommended way, then switch to trying homemade soaps and shaving with just water once you have developed your technique. No need to introduce too many variables and be uncomfortable. Just my opinion.

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    ph308 (07-09-2012)

  6. #4
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP.
    I think Castel33 and DFriedl have given you some pretty solid advice, and I'm sure you will get more as the thread goes on.

    Like many things, shaving with a straight razor can be done successfully using many different approaches. Initially I would suggest that you pick a well proven soap or cream and a decent brush to go along with your razor and stick with them whole you work on your shaving technique. You don't need to stockpile a bunch of stuff in order to get started.

    One of the few things that is a hard and fast rule is that you must have a shave ready razor. As a new straight razor shaver the best way to be sure your razor is sharp enough is to either send it to a Pro for sharpening or buy one that is shave ready from a reputable Vendor. There are dozens and dozens of threads about this on SRP, so if you have been reading in the beginner area hopefully you have read a couple of them already.

    Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

  7. #5
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    I have a friend who is a prepper. He started to get into straight shaving, but got frustrated with it. Anyway, he shaves with a Double Edge now. I think I can coax him to get back on the straight and narrow. I know he uses soaps and such, so never really asked him what he would do in the event of something. I know for me a shave w/o shaving soap would be uncomfortable. I have tried it so I am speaking from experience. But learning to shave with a straight is not so easy. Like others have said might wanna provide yourself with as much cushion as possible. Pun intended.
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  8. #6
    Si vis pacem para bellum Crzylizard's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    I am a semi-prepper, only enough to get me to a bug-out spot.

    Anywho... There are certainly people that make thier own soaps. And most commercial shaving soaps/creams come sealed, so you could technically stockpile them if you wished. They've probably last a few years sealed.
    - Jeremy -
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  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Crzylizard For This Useful Post:

    ph308 (07-09-2012)

  10. #7
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    After re-reading the original post I think my response may not be on point for ph308 question. If you are thinking in terms of shaving in post disaster conditions I would worry more about sharpening my razors than access to specialized soaps or creams. I think you could get by with just about anything that provides some lubrication and cushioning.

  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Can't help you out but thanks to your post I now know what a prepper and teotwawki are. I can't see why you could not shave with water alone if you had too. It might be tough way to learn though. Make sure you have a means to keep that straight sharp.


  12. #9
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    What if teewakee comes and your straight gets busted, or your strop gets messed up. Those things will be irreplaceable. You will need a backup stockpile of cartridges anyway.

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  13. #10
    Si vis pacem para bellum Crzylizard's Avatar
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    Let's be honest, though... if SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, are we really going to be worried about shaving?

    Me thinks not.
    Mephisto and Cwlee1982 like this.
    - Jeremy -
    A year from now, you'll wish you had started today.

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