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Thread: Building Lather in the Soap Mug

  1. #1
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    Question Building Lather in the Soap Mug

    I was watching videos on this and I began to wonder. I have a shaving mug and shaving soap. All the videos I have seen they load the brush with soap/cream and then use a separate bowl to build lather in. Is there a reason for this? Can I build lather in the mug with soap? I have seen some methods of building lather on the face and in the hand also, so I am beginning to believe that I should not build in the same container. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
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    I'm still fairly new, and I started out building my lather in the mug with the soap... the real problem is that it's almost impossible to get the water amount correct as soap is added literrally ALL the time. YMMV of course, but that's the problem I see IMHO.

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  4. #3
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    I have done this before and still do with some soaps. As has been pointed out it is a different way of lathering then is normally pointed out on this site. What I do is make a slightly dry lather (just slightly) and then wet my face a finish the lather while applying it. You do end up using your soap faster this way though. With that said I have used VDH deluxe this way for 3 months of everyday shaving. So you still get pretty good life out of soaps.

    With all that said I prefer face lathering I through my puck or soft soap in my mug. Soak my boar brush and leave it dripping wet. Go to my mug load the tips of brush for thirty secs or so and then go to the face. At first the lather may be really wet but work it on the face awhile and you will get a great lather and have enough for 4 or 5 passes.

  5. #4
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Interesting. Interesting because I thought I knew how to build a lather and then a few weeks ago I found I didn't. So I've been considering this very topic. Normally I use cream, and always build the lather in a bowl. I won't bore you with the intricacies. However, after a year of mainly creams, I swapped to soaps just lately (for reasons I won't bore you with). I started by loading the brush with the soap in the normal manner; swirling it on top of the puck, and then taking the brush to the bowl and slowly adding water; drops at a time, and swirling to create a lather, and then 'painting' that on my face as I do with creams.

    However, just the last week or so I have found I like to use pretty much no added water at all (other than what may cling to the soaked badger brush after five shakes) and face lathering only; no bowl used at all.

    I think ANelson's pretty right about adding soap all the time, too, when building only on the puck; there's that line where you've added too much soap, and it right after that point where you haven't added enough. Even a few more swirls will over load the brush, I find.

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    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've been using a brush/puck since around 1973 and was a face latherer for most of those years. I switched to loading the brush and going to a separate lathering bowl because I found I can create better lather than I was able to with face lathering. It requires more work but for me it is worth the trouble.

  • #7
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone. From what I gather its doable but not advisable. I think I will have to start my journey with face lathering until I have more counter space for experimenting with bowl lather.

  • #8
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    I'm like Carmelo. I use very little water and then I face lather.

    For my second pass I refresh the brush by swirling in a damp bowl.

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  • #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I usually load the soap in the bowl it is housed in and then face lather. Sometimes I use the scuttle however it's mainly to keep the lather warm.
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