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  1. #1
    Junior Member johnnyVll's Avatar
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    Default Needing a first strop.. Any suggestions?

    Hey everybody, I am just getting into strait razor shaving. I have a good razor, but I haven't started shaving with it yet. I need a strop. I'm looking for something good but won't break the bank.

    Also should I get a linen and leather strop?

    I also do leatherwork. Mostly tooling leather, I was wondering if I were to make a strop, what would be a good leather to use.

    Another question goes back to making a strop. Any input on making a paddle strop?


  2. #2
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    I still use the only strop I have ever owned: a Miller Latigo heirloom. It has been fantastic, but my one regret is that I only got the leather and did not get the linen at the same time. So if it is within budget, I'd say go for both leather & linen.

    But if you have the leatherworking skills, I see no reason why you shouldn't at least have a go at making your own.

  3. #3
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    Do some searches for "how to make a strop" and how to make a paddle strop" you should find a lot of info on making a strop.

    As to good low cost strops an illinois strop is good can be found on amazon.

  4. #4
    Junior Member johnnyVll's Avatar
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    That miller Latigo looks like a really good strop.

  5. #5
    Junior Member johnnyVll's Avatar
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    As far as making a strop I have a lot of black veg tanned leather I believe 5/6oz hide. I'm wondering if this would make a good strop. It seems most strops are more like a 8/9 oz.

    I am wondering how it woukd work If I were to try to glue this leather to a wooden paddle. And if I did do that what material could I use for a linen side?

  6. #6
    Member crom762's Avatar
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    I use a SRD 2" Latigo / Premium Fabric strop. I find the 2" was a lot easier to use than the 3" I bought first. I guess bigger isn't always better..! I find I have more control with the 2" especially when stropping my 8/8 W&B. My .02

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