So I polished up my razor last week and got it looking reak nice. However, now I'm running into a problem where blemishes (the beginning of rust) appear after every time I shave. So just a few questions for my fellow shavers out there:

Has anybody had this problem? If so, what may I be doing wrong? After every shave, I wipe down the blade and dry it thoroughly with a piece of bathroom tissue, then I strop it and let it air out for at least an hour. Finally, I place it back in it's container and put it away in a drawer.

Being new, I shave very slowly. Is it possible that I need to clean and dry my razor mid-shave to prevent this problem?

Lastly, will polishing my blade after every shave harm it over time?

Other than this problem, I am progressing pretty well with just over two weeks of experience. I am getting better at lathering and I can manage to do a WTG and ATG shave with only a few nicks on my face.

Thanks for the help!