Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
Inox means that the steel isn't supposed to oxidate.. Ide Est stainless steel. A bit more difficult to hone (doesn't make much of a difference with modern hones) but it holds the edge a bit better than most carbon steels.

Appreciate the "inox" definition, it actually makes sense. I'm perfectly happy with my carbon steel knives and the edges they're capable of - heck I prefer carbon steel so I doubt I'll be disappointed in carbon steel razors. I'm curious why few, if any, makers list the actual steel used in their razors though (O1, A2, etc). Being a long time knife-knut I even asked my surgeon what steel he used in my first lumbar fusion (S30V). He looked at me sort of funny so I had to explain my hobbies and metallurgical interests ... my wife just sat in the corner and rolled her eyes (you married guys know "the look") .