Allow me to add my wisdom.
I am newbie to straights, but have shaved for years with a shavette, simply because when I started (before internet was common) I couldn't find real straights, and nobody I knew used them.

With a straight, the edge is smooth. when shaving you can make certain movements with the blade to insure a better shave. I.e. you introduce slight lateral movements to have more of a cutting action on your hairs instead of a hacking action. (or so I'm told)

Do this with a shavette and the blade will sink into the flesh immeditley.
If you look at a shavette blade under a strong microsoft, you will see something that resembles the blade of a wood saw.

As a result, the technique for using a shavette is considerably different from the technique for using a straight.
I find my straight much more forgiving then my shavette.

Another problem with the shavette is that your face will be covered with nicks and droplets of blood when you replace a dull blade with a new one, because your technique takes a while to adjust to the changed sharpness.

Btw, are those feather shavettes really so much sharper than the shavettes that use solingen blades?