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  1. #1
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    Default Newly Purchased Boker Shaving Really Close to the Skin but Leaving me a bit Raw

    I just bought a Boker on Ebay. I cleaned the blade up with steel wool and metal polish then steralized it with Clorox Wipes (I hope that steralizes it !) and stropped on balsa with abrasives, then on leather.

    Anyway, i decided to see if it would shave before sending it to a honemeister. It did ! In fact, it shaved closer than my other razoer which was professionally honed. I have been shaving with a straight for 2 months now. The Boker blade is a much heavier full hollow than my Tennis. My Tennis is also a full Hollow, but seems much finer/thinner.

    Anyway, my skin has never felt so soft. Really Baby Butt Smooth.... but i am a little raw, as it it exfoliated more than my Tennis. Is this just the nature of a sharper blade ? or does this mean it needs to be honed ?


  2. #2
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Hard to say, really. You may have used just a little too much pressure. It took me a while to learn that more is less when it comes to pressure. Next time you shave with the Boker, focus on a light touch, particularly on the areas that feel raw. You may see, in the end, that you got BBS with no irritaiton or raw skin. Good luck, and let's see a picture of the razor.

  3. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    With rare exceptions, what's proclaimed on eBay as "shave ready" is far from it. At least that has been my experience. Have you looked at the edge under a scope to see what shape it's in? Before you shave with it I suggest sending it out to a honemeister for a proper honing. In addition, analyze your shaving technique: are you using excessive pressure? Are you using the proper angle? And the list goes on. First, though, it starts with a properly honed edge.

  4. #4
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Like other gentlemen said, I think the problem is both pressure and angle.
    Excessive pressure never works with straight razors: this is something you usually have to do with those horrid plastic things some unfortunate people use for shave their faces.
    Light touch and let the razor do its job without any pressure: it simply does not need it.
    However, also my experience taught me to strongly doubt in "shave ready" proclamation on eBay. Maybe this is also the case of your Boker, which is, in any case, a very good razor and very good steel.
    And, by the way, post pictures soon!

  5. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Where does this say it was shave ready ?????

    Quote Originally Posted by aseidman62 View Post
    I just bought a Boker on Ebay. I cleaned the blade up with steel wool and metal polish then steralized it with Clorox Wipes (I hope that steralizes it !) and stropped on balsa with abrasives, then on leather.

    You ripped the edge then created a small false edge with the balsa and "Abrasive"

    Anyway, i decided to see if it would shave before sending it to a honemeister. It did ! In fact, it shaved closer than my other razoer which was professionally honed. I have been shaving with a straight for 2 months now. The Boker blade is a much heavier full hollow than my Tennis. My Tennis is also a full Hollow, but seems much finer/thinner.

    Couldn't even begin to say on this "Phenomenon"

    Anyway, my skin has never felt so soft. Really Baby Butt Smooth.... but i am a little raw, as it it exfoliated more than my Tennis. Is this just the nature of a sharper blade ? or does this mean it needs to be honed ?

    "Exfoliated" ie: the shave was harsh becasue the edge is rough, that roughness can actually help with cutting the hair but can be hell on the skin


    Bokers are known for a Silky Smooth shave when honed correctly... Also just look at the edge under magnification that will tell you more then you might want to know

  6. #6
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    In fact the listing never claimed shave ready. The blade is etched "Good as Gold" which seems to indicate it was manufactured in the late 1800's or early 1900's. I saw an original advertisment for this razor that is dated 1898.

    since i did not know when the balde was last honed or used, i decided to see if it would shave. Again: It avctually gave a closer shave than a recently honed (by a repudabe honemeister) Tennis balde that I own and use regularly. The shave is incredible.... true BBS. But it did seem t scrape a bit. It may be the angle.. could a blade be soo sharp, shave so well and still need honing ? Do i give it another shot with reduced angles ?


  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I going to preface this by saying I am a total newbie so for what it's worth. If it were me I would give it another go trying a lesser angle on the blade and much lighter pressure if any. Should you then get no irritation/rawness you have your answer. OTH if you still get that rawness maybe then have a close look at the edge and decide whether or not to send it out for honing.


  8. #8
    Jack of all, master of none KenWeir's Avatar
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    I would suppose, and I'm also a noob, that depending on the last time it was maintained or oiled there has likely been some corrosion of the edge, even if it isn't visible. Depending on the timeframe that could leave enough keenness to shave well, yet also have microscopic areas of jagged corrosion along the edge causing the abrasion/burn. I think I'd recommend magnifying the edge to see if it can do with a touchup or just a generous stropping.

  9. #9
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    if I try to shave the next day..I get that raw skin feeling also..I wait 4 days..easier to shave and more comfortable IMO

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Wow. having to wait 4 days to shave would drive me crazy. I guess it depends on a lot of things but I my hide must be acclimatized to SR shaving doing 3 pass every day 7 days a week. Very little if any irritation. Sensitive skin could be another reason the OP is getting irritation.


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