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  1. #1
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    Default Buy a new razor?

    I have had my first straight razor for a few months now and it has been serving me very well! Its a hamburg ring i got from the classifieds here. I am wondering if i should purchase a new one and by new i mean brand new. Im looking for your opinions on why have more than one razor and also good razor options preferably under 200$. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    The only logical reason to have more than razor is to have one to use while one is out being honed.
    Then again - no-one ever said we are logical here.
    Why not PM the seller that you got your original one from and see if they have any more - particularly if you are happy with it.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  3. #3
    Member Bluerain's Avatar
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    wether you want to buy a new one or not they'll just start showing up i guarantee it

    anyway go with whatever stands out something you really like how it looks at that price range any razor is going to be a great shaver if its been professionally honed go to great variety most or all come honed by lynn

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, the only logical reason to buy another razor is to have a spare in case you have to send one out to be honed or you drop one and wreck the blade. There is no real reason to buy new either except for the joy of owning something nobody else has used, same as cars. OTH there is no real reason not to either. In your price range you should be able to find quite a few good quality razors from reliable makers and retailers. Just make sure the new razor you buy is professionally honed to be "shave ready". If you want to purchase new shave ready in Canada there are at least a couple of places you can do so. Find one you like the look of in the size and grind that you like and go for it. Have fun.


  5. #5
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    A good friend brought by an apple pie, freshly baked. I had a slice after dinner, it was so good. I was full, but I went ahead and had another slice, a big one, and enjoyed the heck out of it. Is it wrong to have two slices of pie? No, not at all, so long as the rest of my family was taken care of, and they were, because there was enough pie for all of us. (I am not making this up). Same is true with the notion of getting a second razor. Do you need it? No, you can have one razor for the rest of your life and you will do fine. It will cause you to learn to hone and maintain it yourself, including fixing any nicks from hitting the tap or whatever. Is it wrong to get a second razor? No, so long as your family is taken care of and you have the disposable income to purchase a second, go for it. You will enjoy it and be glad about it. Check out the Dovo Bismark. One of many options for you within your price range. Good luck.

  6. #6
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    If you shave every day it's not a bad idea to have two razors in a rotation so that the blades get more time to rest between uses.

  7. #7
    MJC is offline
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    I must say I'm impressed by your and I have been shaving with a Straight for about the same time and I have a drawer full of them already. I've started to let go the ones that don't work for me but I'm glad that I've had a chance to discover what works and what does not.

    As the others have stated, in that price range you have plenty of options. If what you have is working well for you I'd suggest looking for something similar but with some small change. The same point but 1/8 larger for instance. You seem to have the patience (evident by your ability to resist the pull of RAD..) to choose well. IMHO I would start with the vendors at SRP first. I've had nothing but excellent service, advice and support from the "family".

    if you are working with one razor and shaving daily it may be time for you to have a second just to give you a reference point for "shave ready".

    Good luck, but I know you will do well.

  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    One day you might start shaving and realize you had meant to touch up the razor and forgot and now with only one razor you have to endure an uncomfortable shave or maybe you pick up your razor and it just doesn't shave well. If you have a spare all that is no problem.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #9
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    Im definitely going to get a new one but the question is which one lol.

  10. #10
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    Dovo probably has the widest selection for the price range you are talking about. My second razor I bought a few years ago was a DOVO Bismark 6/8 from SRD and I love it. What made me settle on it is my first razor was a 5/8 and I wanted to try a wider blade. However, that was many razors ago and now my most difficult decision every day is deciding which one to shave with. LOL! For me, it's become a favorite hobby and I got into re-storing old razors. Not to mention what great conversational pieces they make. Currently, I'm making a case with a glass door to hang on the wall in the bathroom to display my razors in. If you get into honing your own razors, you will really get the fever for more than one razor.

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