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Thread: A little help with my new Brian Brown 8/8

  1. #11
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    +3 The wife used a DD Goldedge to cut paper for Christmas presents ONCE the day after I honed it, her words when asked why the DD "I heard you say they were really sharp, and I liked the pretty handles"
    Glen, your wife's not from NY State, is she? Mine is and they've got to be related!!! Sorry for the off topic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SirStropalot View Post
    Glen, your wife's not from NY State, is she? Mine is and they've got to be related!!! Sorry for the off topic.

    Yikes,,, Yes she is originally
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  3. #13
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Well, hello brother in law!!!

  4. #14
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    the seniors may want to chime in here, but i definitely find it easier to shave with two to three days growth. i am still a newb, and the hardest thing is waiting that long. Also. as good as i thought i was on the strop,pretty sure i rolled the edge on my first shave ready razor. Dang.

  5. #15
    ace is offline
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    The OP makes the point that the razor shaved fine on shave #1 so he didn't strop prior to shave #2. He did strop after shave #2 went badly. So, what happened on shave #3?
    Last edited by ace; 09-05-2012 at 12:18 PM.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    The OP makes the point that the razor shaved fine on shave #1 so he didn't strop prior to shave #2. He did strop after shave #2 went badly. So, what happened on shave #3?
    I noticed that too.
    The OP said it was fine at the end of the first shave so did not strop for shave 2.
    My belief is that the cutting edge is so fine it will quickly oxidate if left for a day or two, even if thoroughly dried there is still enough moisture in the air to eat away at that edge.
    I never used to oil my blades and only strop before a shave. When stropping I could feel and hear that the edge was rough and would start to smoothen out after 20 or so strokes. Since I started oiling ( I actually use vaseline not oil ) my blades, they feel/sound smooth when stropping right from the start and I'm starting to think I could get a couple of shaves without stropping. Not tried that yet though !

  7. #17
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    Well I suppose if the OP's beard is as coarse as he states, two 3-pass shaves with no stropping in between could have dulled the edge a bit. If so a good stropping on linen and leather (or even a couple passes on Cr-Ox or diamond compound) would likely bring the edge back.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattW View Post
    Well I suppose if the OP's beard is as coarse as he states, two 3-pass shaves with no stropping in between could have dulled the edge a bit. If so a good stropping on linen and leather (or even a couple passes on Cr-Ox or diamond compound) would likely bring the edge back.
    Referring to the OP again, it appears that the blade had gone south after just one shave. I've never seen this kind of deterioration as a result of one shave, but then his beard could be heavier than mine. It would have been nice to have eliminated the lack of stropping variable. I still would like to know what the result was on shave #3.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    You may have given it a hard time on your first shave but it should bounce back with a strop.
    It may feel razor sharp but maybe it isn't. Will it shave arm hair as easily as your other blades. If not it is no longer sharp for whatever reason. Could be anything. Should look at the edge under magnification at least. Unless you live alone or it's locked up someone could have used it to cut rope for all you know.

    That's a good point. I re-stropped it as directed by Brian. I did about 20 laps on linen, and 40-50 on leather, with the pressure on the spine of the blade. I DID make it sharper, and it DID make hairs pop on my arm, but after trying to re shave again, it just would take the forrest down on my face. I broke down and sent it back to Brian with the promise to not strop this beauty until I've practiced on at least 20-30 other razors in my rotation.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grazor View Post
    the seniors may want to chime in here, but i definitely find it easier to shave with two to three days growth. i am still a newb, and the hardest thing is waiting that long. Also. as good as i thought i was on the strop,pretty sure i rolled the edge on my first shave ready razor. Dang.
    I mentioned that to Brian. He was 100% confident that it didn't matter if it was one day, 2 days, 3 days, a week, or 6 hours growth. It should have shaved the same high quality as it did the first time. So, I just broke down and mailed it be to him to fix. I'm pretty sure I rolled the edge...... Man!!!!! If I didn't have church on Sunday, I'd wait 7-10 days until I get it back to really test it, but I can't make it that long. My beard would look like a scruffy, dirty pirate.

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