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Thread: Newbie but not to wetshaving

  1. #1
    Member ElaMenthol's Avatar
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    Cool Newbie but not to wetshaving

    Hi all,

    I'm a active member on Badger & Blade and lesser active on fora like The Shave Den, The Shave Nook and I visit Mantic59's Sharpologist form time to time. It took some time but I'm getting closer and closer to shaving nirvana.

    I started with a Muhle R89 set with silvertip brush and some Proraso cream.
    The R89 is a great starter's razor but getting a BBS requires me 4 passes. But the quality of the razor itself is outstanding.
    So I decided to stick with Muhle just a bit longer and try the famous R41. A great razor but can leave me with a raw feeling. Shaving is slow and it is just a mean razor.
    After that I bought a vintage travel grooming travel set which came with a Gillette Tech.
    Way too mild, but great to pass around to suck others in this "money saving" (ahum lol) hobby.
    In between I bought lots of aftershaves and soaps, and a few more great ones are left at the top of my list.

    My shaves where getting better but my memory remembered the few flawless total BBS's with absolute no irritation and with barely a tingling sensation from the alum block. I was restless...
    I didn't want to chase a BBS but I knew it was possible on a regular basis.
    After reading great things about the Fatip razor I bought and received it a small week ago. I was floored.
    This was the balance I was looking for between aggression + effectiveness and smoothness + forgiveness.
    I had a flawless BBS the first shave and it took a long time before I had any stubble returning.

    I was always intrigued about straights but this got me thinking...
    If I can get a shave this great from a disposable mass produced blade then what kind of shave is possible from a edge that actually gets proper attention, getting carefully honed and stropped (DE's hardly get stropped now do they?) and maintained.
    So I decided next or the following month, IF everything is ok (pray to God) to the family of the gentleman that runs Whipped Dog to place a order for a Sight Unseen Deal.
    I have many questions but first I'll I read up a bit more and order that World Of Straight Razor Shaving DVD.

    My gear so far:
    [HW] Razors: Muhle R89, Muhle R41, Gillette Tech, Fatip Grande Chrome
    [HW] Brushes: Muhle 19mm Silvertip, Muhle 21mm Silvertip Fibre,Vie-Long 23mm Horse, SOC Boar
    [SW] Soaps: TFS, Mike's, MdC, Klar Seifen, TFS, Dr Dittmar, Institut Karité and many more
    [SW] Aftershaves: Speick, Tabac, Musgo Real, Proraso, Pitralon, Myrsol, Floïd and many more

    No doubt I find the same gentlemanly atmosphere here as I do on the other boards!
    All advice is welcome and please your prayers and/or thought for Larry, his daughter Katie and the rest of the family.
    Last edited by ElaMenthol; 10-07-2012 at 12:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    G'Day and welcome to SRP.
    It looks like you have the face prep going on OK.
    I know practically nothing about DE's although I have a couple that I've used about twice.
    Let us know how things go when you get your cut-throat and strop
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  3. #3
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. If you need any help transitioning over to straights this is a great place for the info.
    Shaving with facial hair is like a golfcourse. It's a challenge of rough and fairways. You are the skilled greenskeeper of your face?

  4. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I have heard mixed reviews on the Fatip only because it is aggressive, which for me would be expected from an open comb. I may have to give one a try.

    Glad you found us and best of luck as you expand into straight razors.

    Have fun.

  5. #5
    Member ElaMenthol's Avatar
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    Thank you guys!
    If I have everything I'll post again, probably followed up with many question.
    Yes the Fatip is aggressive, but if you don't use pressure and with correct angle it doesn't feel really aggressive.
    To me a smooth blade in it is important for good glide. I use Astra SP's, but that's very personal.
    It is a inexpensive razor and should it not be your thing you can sell it.
    Oh man, I'm hardly here and I'm already enabling...
    Lynn likes this.

  6. #6
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Welcome, ElaMenthol,

    You'll enjoy the straight, I'm sure. As you'll read in the wiki and elsewhere, it's best to start with the simple zones and finish up with your DE, and gradually expand your range. I spent about 4 months on this transition. As you'll read in lots of posts, lots of guys aren't that patient and dive in to the whole thing right away. Some regret it, some don't. Your call.

    Best wishes and happy shaving.
    "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business."

  7. #7
    Member bjmacnevin's Avatar
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    I went in full bore. But I will admit it was not my plan. The idea of transitioning slowly into straight razor having made it something less intimidating to take up!

    Then on that first shave, I just couldn't stop, it was going so well!

  8. #8
    Member ElaMenthol's Avatar
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    Thank, you for all the replies.
    I'll study the DVD first and probably next month order a sight unseen deal.

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