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Thread: Is There A Method To Your Rotation?

  1. #1
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Default Is There A Method To Your Rotation?

    I am moving through a small herd of razors and trying to come up with a method of sorting and future rotation. Just wondering what others do.

    Currently I am using one razor/week shaving Sun/Tue/Thu. I have noticed random preferences along the way but haven't attributed that to anything particular like grind, steel type, blade shape etc.

    Anybody use a particular process once you get to the "Like It/Don't Like It" point?

  2. #2
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    I only have three at the moment until my next comes in but I really have no rhyme or reason with mine. I do prefer the heavier grinds and am laying off my hollow ground for the time being.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I only keep 2 razors at the ready, rotate newly aquired razors in immediately. If they don't shave in the top ten, then they go into display status.

    Two vintage razors , always stay in the travel bag.
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  4. #4
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    I've got somewhere around 15 shave sharp in my den and up until Oct 1 I randomly picked one. The month of Oct is a one razor month to check to see how long the edge will stay shave sharp. I do have a fondness of four tho.
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    For the first year and a half or so I had a rotation for everything - razors, soaps/creams, aftershaves. It was entirely based on usage. I gave up on that, it seemed too regimented and I felt it stifled my enjoyment. Nowadays I use whatever I feel like on a given day, while keeping in mind products that haven't seen use in awhile. I suppose you could call it an "informal rotation", not bound by any rigid rules.
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  6. #6
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    I have about a dozen or so that are ready to go at any given time, but there are four in regular rotation. The reason is simple - they are the four that work best for me. Every once in a while I'll throw one o fmy other ones into the mix just to try it out again, but I generally return back to the usual suspects.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    For a long time I actually kept a schedule. Then I began to feel a bit OCD about the whole thing and now my rotation technique would best be described as casual. My starting line-up is 11 no kidding ready to rock straight razors. These are the one's with proven track records for holding an edge for a long time, minimal maintenance with regard to honing and of course, just delivering consistently good shaves. I have probably another five or six straights that, for one reason or another didn't make the starting lineup. These are razors that I just never really became attached to or all that interested in (too much maintenance, bad edge, etc.) As a side note, these razors will probably be my test bed for my first full up restoration (when I get around to that).

    Although the vast majority of my shaves are straight razor shaves, I do keep a stable of probably 8 or so safety razors (SE as well as DE). These generally wait in the wings and come out when ever the urge to shave with one cannot be surpressed. Lots of great shavers in this crew (lather catchers, 1912's, Gillette DE, etc.) but ordinarily I just prefer to use a straight. A heavy safety razor week is two safety razor shaves and it's not uncommon for me to go a good few months without touching one.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I agree that "Informal Rotation" is best, I too am in it for the pleasure, not the rules.

  9. #9
    Senior Member aespo's Avatar
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    Mine is pretty simple..I only have two that are shave ready so I basically trade them off on my shaving days..I have a third that I got off the bay and it needs honing but I found some rust as well and until I can come up with the money for a honing and cleaning (hopefully no more than that) I will have three to choose from.
    I have not collected razors because of money..but at the same time I will probably only buy ones that I will use..I can understand collecting and all but it is a bit expensive and living in an apartment with a wife and two kids...there is no me space really so I have no place to put them.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by aespo View Post
    ..there is no me space really so I have no place to put them.
    You have my sympathy if you have no space. One thing I like about razors is that they are small and a drawer can old quite a collection. My problem is my grandson who is getting to the investigating stage. I can't leave them laying around anywhere. I have to re childproof my house! I lead a good life if that is my complaint for the night!

    Back on topic. I have gone away from any rotation because there are so many aspects to using a straight that are part of the experience. Changing anything more than one thing a day gives you no usable feedback.
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