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Thread: Baffled by needing many passes

  1. #1
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    Default Baffled by needing many passes

    First post here - thanks for the resource! Started shaving this week with a strightrazor. The thing I can't figure out is the number of passes. My first pass results in very little hair removed, and I'm always doing at least four passes before it looks like a real shave. I must be doing something wrong, but what? My blade was honed by a service, and I'm wondering if maybe I messed up the blade the very first time I stropped, when I didn't understad how to flip the blade and flipped in over on the blade side instead of the spine. any ideas? thank you!
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  3. #2
    Jack of all, master of none KenWeir's Avatar
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    Sounds like you rolled the edge to me. My first wtg pass knocks off all the stubble & leaves me pretty slick in that direction.

    After a shave like that, with so many passes, do you have trouble with irritation or razor burn?

    Edit: I'd recommend sending it to be rehoned. While its out you might consider getting a straight that uses disposable blades like a shavette or feather artist club. That would allow you to practice shaving with a known good edge every time while you're getting the basic stropping technique down. Straight shaving has a lot of things to learn all at once, good prep, making a good creamy lather that'll cushion the blade, stropping & so on.
    Last edited by KenWeir; 10-19-2012 at 03:40 AM.

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  5. #3
    Senior Member Eekspa's Avatar
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    Give your strop technique another try before sending it off for another hone job. Give it a hundred laps or so, and try it again. May be just the angle of the razor on your face.

    4 passes is a bit much to start with. Re-read the Wiki, look at the videos, and try just your sideburns and cheeks in a single pass. If you are satisfied with the results there, it's probably your technique that need a bit of refinement.

    One step at a time. You will get there.
    Any day on this side of the flowers is a good day!

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  7. #4
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    One pass should leave you pretty well off. After a couple months of learning I started on multiple passes and I find that its not always necessary. With that said, +1 to both of what was said above. First try a good stropping and if that's not working you might want to send it off to fix the edge.
    Shaving with facial hair is like a golfcourse. It's a challenge of rough and fairways. You are the skilled greenskeeper of your face?

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  9. #5
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    Ken, if I rolled the edge, can proper stropping recover it? I've been stropping properly for four days now, and my shaves get better every day, although its impossible to tell if its me or the blade.

  10. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's hard giving rookies advice because there are so many things that can be wrong. It can be the razor, it can be your lack of experience and technique. There is a learning curve and it can take months to get really good shaves so since you just started this week I'd be leaning towards the experience and technique thing. You can test the razor by doing an easy part of the face like under the sideburns. You should get a good result if your razor is proper sharp unless of course your skills are really off.
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  12. #7
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by medicineball View Post
    First post here - thanks for the resource! Started shaving this week with a strightrazor. The thing I can't figure out is the number of passes. My first pass results in very little hair removed, and I'm always doing at least four passes before it looks like a real shave. I must be doing something wrong, but what? My blade was honed by a service, and I'm wondering if maybe I messed up the blade the very first time I stropped, when I didn't understad how to flip the blade and flipped in over on the blade side instead of the spine. any ideas? thank you!
    The memories of my learning how to straight shave came flooding in while reading your post. First of all, don't blame yourself for any difficulties you are having. Second, the strop isn't going to dull your blade. Third, there is no time limit on how long it takes to learn or how long it takes to shave. You will naturally take less time as you gain experience. Fourth, until you get the routine down you will, out of necessity, distract yourself while pre-determining your angle and movements with the razor. And finally, you'll eventually know what to do without thinking about it and get the results you want.

    This video taught me the most about shaving:

    These three videos are among those that taught me stropping:
    1. straight razor stropping - YouTube
  13. Extreme Stropping - Stropping a Straight Razor Beside a Swimming Pool - YouTube
  • 110103-193326.wmv - YouTube

  • This article showed me everything I needed to get started (and gave me the desire to move full speed ahead): Is Straight Razor Shaving for You? - Yahoo! Voices -

    I recommend getting Lynn Abrams' World of Straight Razor Shaving DVD World Of Straight Razor DVD - Straight Razor Place Classifieds. I don't mean to be patronizing, but it gave me a snapshot of everything I needed to know about straight razor shaving. It gives you the confidence to do everything yourself, because if you hired everything done it would be considerably more expensive.
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  • #8
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I second/third the motion to give the razor a good stropping or two to try and recover the edge. I also agree that technique may be contributing. May I suggest that you pay attention to the angle of the blade. Try for a 30 degree angle. Not flat against the face and not a 45 degree angle. Start with almost flat against the face and gradually increase the angle. You will notice the difference.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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  • #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Mball, 'Good input so far - nicely summed up by TBS.

    With a week into it - it could be anything. Stropping & blade angle were my bane. My stropping dulled my edge, and I clung so hard to the '30 deg.' angle going WTG that when I ran into heavy timber, the blade just stopped. I couldn't use that blade for the next 6 wks - not being able to mow the thick stuff w/ the 30 deg. angle. Weeks later, I tried a heavy grind & thought I'd found the Holy Grail of blades. I still love the heavies, but found I could drop the angle on my flexible hollow and mow heavy timber just fine.
    It'll come together and your shaves will get easier and more fun. If it turns out you need a hand w/ the edge and your seller doesn't touch-up for free - pm me. 'Just actual costs to mail it back to you. At the point you send out your razor - you can see the value of having a 2nd razor to use while one is out. 'Doesn't have to be a costly blade - just good shaving condition.

    Best of Luck. I think we'll hear more joy from your shaves soon.

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  • #10
    Senior Member aespo's Avatar
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    Did you come from using cartridge blades? If so it is really tough to compare results because of simple math..You have a three, for our five blade cartridge you are essentially doing almost ten passes because of all the blades..technique is different and prep is everything as well..don't be discouraged..stropping is not easy either..
    I know it is hard at the beginning but it is am art that simply takes time..there a lot of help here so keep at it!


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