thanks you for SRP. i have a starter kit on the way from Tony and am very excited to start but have a quick question for you. over the past two years i've used a DE and find my skin has improved its conditioning as opposed to a multiblade system. part of my wish with the switch to a Straight is to continue seeing improvements with how my skin looks and feels.

i plan to slowly work the Straight into my daily shaves, first on the weekends, followed by a couple days a week as time allots. i presume over a long period of time 4-6 months, more of my weekly shaves will be Straight razor vs DE. do you believe that a Straight can achieve better looking and feeling results? do you think the initial back and forth between the Straight and DE will harm that progress? are the differences on the skin a reason to choose a carbon steel razor over a steel (or both)? i ask this as my skin is sensitive and curious about how long it'll take before my skin adjusts?

i thank you for your attention and await your response