Okay, here is the answer to the original question. Then I can explain the laxative thing, but that will come later.

Mineral Oil is a clear, light, flavorless, odorless oil with many uses. Unlike cooking oil, it never goes bad by becoming rancid. Because it is an oil, and oil is not miscible with water, it is good at protecting things from water eg. wood and metal. Because it never goes rancid you can put it on things without worrying that it will ever become gummy or develop foul odors. So you can put it on wood or metal and it will protect it from water without stinking or changing in texture. Very pure mineral oil, can be ingested, this type is called "food safe". Food safe mineral oil is the type that is used for cutlery, cutting boards, razors, and yes even laxatives.

There are many different kinds of laxatives and they work in a few different ways. There are stool softeners, stimulants, osmotic, and LUBRICANT just to name four. Lubricant laxitives do just what it sounds like they do, the lubricant passes through the alimentary canal until it reaches fecal matter, lubricating it so it slides out. Can YOU guess a good lubricant laxative???? That's right, it's mineral oil! Food safe Mineral oil is a laxative just as described above. You have to drink a fair amount of it to achieve the desired effect so it's not likely you will soil yourself while shaving if you use it on your razor.

To sum up, mineral oil is a clear odorless oil that is great for protecting your razors. Food safe mineral oil can be used as a lubricant laxative, but only if you drink a fair amount of it. You can find food safe mineral oil in the pharmacy with the laxatives, sold as a protectant for cutlery or cutting boards, and at lab supply (large quantity)/restaurant supply houses.

Finally, I will say this. Don't use anything on your razors that you wouldn't want to eat! This means WD-40, and any other chemical that you wouldn't want in your mouth. The razor touches your face and comes very close to your mouth, nose, eyes and you don't want anything getting in those places least of all WD-40.

Hope this helps. Good luck getting some Food Safe Mineral oil from down under.
