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Thread: Finally it's my turn :)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Finally it's my turn :)

    Been wanting to try this out for a few years and I finally decided to get into the world of straight razor shaving, so I made the leap and ordered some equipment.
    Got this Dovo-razor as it was the only dovo available from local suppliers here. (and a strap + misc. necessary stuff)
    Name:  HR_405-012-00_dovo_straight_razor_imitation_pearl.jpg
Views: 596
Size:  50.8 KB

    However, I have a question, I ordered it to be sent off to have a professional honing done, how long/how many shaves in your experience can I expect that to last before having to hone again? I want to learn how to do it myself, but thought it'd be a good idea to get it done by someone who knows how to first, so that I have an idea on how a well honed razor should be.

    Excited about trying this out
    dustoff003 likes this.

  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    That is a fine shaver, congratulations!

    You know, how many shaves you get out of it before re-honing it is impossible to say.
    It can, depending on your technique in stropping and usage, vary from one to dozens of shaves.

    I see that you are from Norway, if you are close to the capitol, you should know that a few of us are having a little meetup tomorrow.
    While I'm not the host on this one, I'm sure you'd be more than welcome to stop by, and if nothing else, have your razor honed properly and a lesson in how to do it

    Right Zephyr?

    If you should ever require a honing, I'd be more than happy to help you out with that.
    No charge, of course!
    Havachat45 and dustoff003 like this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

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    Henrik (11-09-2012)

  4. #3
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    Thanks a lot, I'm currently in Trondheim, so I won't be able to stop by, but thank you for your generous offers!

  5. #4
    Senior Member jpcwon's Avatar
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    Wow that's a nice Dovo! Welcome to the SR world! I too just started SR shaving & have already fell in love with it. I already have contracted a severe case of RAD (razor acquisition disorder) and HAD (hone acquisition disorder) as I'm teaching myself how to hone as well.

    Kudos for sending your Dovo out to get honed, move!!

  6. #5
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Nice razor. You're very lucky to live where you do, (a) because you've got such knowledgeable straight shavers around you and (b) because to me, there's some really nice vintage razors that seem to be very available in the Nordic countries. Oh, I could also say people from your region that I've met here seem to be really, really nice. I'd love to be able to live in your country...
    Birnando likes this.
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