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11-25-2012, 11:10 PM #21
I had the same problem when comparing the factory DE blade shavette shaving experience and the straight razor experience. The latter just didn't work AT ALL!
Please check this:
Shaving passes - Straight Razor Place Wiki
Especially the "The scything motion ", "Guillotine style cutting " and "Slicing" paragraphs.
Practice these (VERY CAREFULLY, LITERALLY FEATHER LIGHT TOUCHES) and you'll see that it really was the technique's fault. :-)
I always imagine that I do not want to cut the hairs off my face - I only want to remove the lather from the top of my whiskers. Sort of not wanting to touch the skin at all. This way eliminating the chance of cutting myself.
AND Keep visiting SRP for inspiration!!! :-)Last edited by szarvi; 11-25-2012 at 11:14 PM.