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  1. #1
    Member Galhatz's Avatar
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    Default what would make a good beginner razor?


    My current razor it a TI with the stainless steel scales. They are rather heavy and I feel I am straining my fingers just holding it. I was wondering what would be a good razor in term of weight, "forgiveness to user error" etc.


  2. #2
    Senior Member jpcwon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galhatz View Post

    My current razor it a TI with the stainless steel scales. They are rather heavy and I feel I am straining my fingers just holding it. I was wondering what would be a good razor in term of weight, "forgiveness to user error" etc.

    I bought a Dovo "Best Quality" 5/8" as my first razor. It's a really nice Solingen-made razor that's perfect for beginners (like me!!). They can be had for $70-80 depending on where you look. Some places will even hone it for you!

  3. #3
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Budget razor, I would say any of the Dovos under $120, most are wood, plastic, or dymondwood. Pretty lightweight; 5/8 or 6/8 sizes; lightweight and nimble.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  4. #4
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    Just about any round-point vintage razor from the "Classifieds".

    Try for 5/8 or 6/8 width, anywhere from 1/2-hollow to "extra-full-hollow" grind.

    They come as low as $40 or so, if you are willing to live with cosmetic imperfections. Almost all of them have lightweight scales.

    Some of my razors are old Solingen blades, quite thin and light. They're a pleasure to use.

    . . . . . Mindful shaving, for a better world.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    No such thing as a beginner razor. Just go middle of the road with your choices as far as size, balance, grind goes.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    Senior Member quicksilver's Avatar
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    The Boker King Cutter has been a great razor for me. No complaints. But make sure to have it honed by someone who knows what they're doing.

  7. #7
    Senior Member TucoRamirez's Avatar
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    In your case, probably a 5/8 or a 4/8 hollow. They are lighter and more maneuverable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jpcwon View Post
    I bought a Dovo "Best Quality" 5/8" as my first razor. It's a really nice Solingen-made razor that's perfect for beginners (like me!!). They can be had for $70-80 depending on where you look. Some places will even hone it for you!
    This. It responds easily to honing and stropping (in my experience), does not have a "smiley" curve or sharp tip (these tend to make things a bit more difficult for beginners), and shaves very well for anybody who knows how to use a SR (again in my experience)

  9. #9
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    i have no educated opinion on this being that my first SR shave was about 4 hours ago but i can telll ya how i decided on my first razor(s) aside from the makin sure the razor was shave ready !!!!
    my first thought was i am gonna prob spend around $100 even if i didnt need to , then i started looking at them and chose on a razor that i found both attractive to me and kinda in my price range cause i figured at some point if i bought on quality / price alone i would soon be buying another cause of its appearance , so i took little tid bits of info from the search engine on here and came up with a lower-mid priced razor that i liked to look at figuring i could either sell it if i dont like this style of shaving , keep it for looks , or keep it for my boys when they start to shave... i ended up with the DEVO ebony stainless cause im a sucker for wood over any other material , wanted a stainless due to reviews of holding an edge longer , and i really liked how the design on the blade looked over the less expensive devo models with all that being said i picked up a BOKER stainless 5/8 today because it caught my eye do to my personal prefrence of how i liked the way the blade is shaped , the design on the blade , and the tree emblem on the handle to me put it over the edge.. both are repeatable names and after again reading all the reviews on both i picked them up , and the boker is the razor of the month at Straightrazordesigns so i figured i couldnt beet the price .. now again i know nothing but i figured id share how i made my selection ontop of the facts of making sure it is shave ready ,a quality brand ect ..

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