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Thread: Real newb-needs advice!(long post!)

  1. #1
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    Default Real newb-needs advice!(long post!)

    Ok so I bought myself a nice lil Dovo (though I don't know the size and the knife seller didn't either)- 100% sure it's authentic though and paid about 100 for it. Bought a nice strop to go with it- canvas and leather- a german brand for about 60 bucks. Today was the day that I was going to try out straight razoring for the first time. I used the hot towel for a few minutes, put on some pre shave oil from AOS and then- unfortunately as it was all I had- used some cheapo gillette cream with my nice little badger brush. Then shock and awe! Though I didn't cut myself I have some nasty razor burns- prolly from shaving ten times over the same spot. It was pulling real hard so I stropped it in the middle of shaving a few times- another uneasy task for a newb- which seemed to make it a bit better. All I wanna know is will it get better!? It took me like an hour to shave my face complete but I'm still not all that smooth- though no less than with a safety razor- but like I said horribly burned up! Could the pulling have come from the oil? Could the blade be too big for me-which it seems like it is? What's my next step? I just bought another Bokor from the classifieds on this site and I'm waiting for it to come so I can compare razors. BTW- I stropped after shaving as well. So what did I do right and what did I do wrong? How can I make my next shaving experience better or do I give up bc I'm not so hot at it to begin with? Whats my next step?I love the shaving technique but am a bit frustrated! Let me know and thanks to all who respond!

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Welcome to Srp!
    sorry about the first shave most likely you had the factory edge on the razor and that is not always shaving ready. yes you will get razor burn from too many passes especially with a less than shve ready razor. what happens is that you unintentionally put too much pressure on the blade and it scrapes the skin raw.

    other than the razor needing a proper honing every thing else sounded good. the Foam in a can will work it is just not the best it tends to dry out too soon at least that has been my experience.

    i know you do not want to hear it but you should send the razor to an expert to get it honed try looking in the vendor section for one near you or at least on your continent.

    keep up the effort ... but practice proper precedure with a cartridge or double edge razor until you get the Dovo back

    dovo and bokers are both great razors.... and yes the shave will get better

    Last edited by syslight; 11-17-2012 at 08:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Maybe your Dovo wasn't shave ready? And if it was and you stropped it, you may have rolled the egde?and seeing how your a newb I wouldn't expect great results at first. I'd wait until you get the Boker seeing how you got it from the classifieds here it probably is shave ready, they usually will say in the ad. When you get it, if it is shave ready don't strop it. Also you may want to invest in a shave soap or cream. Look at the forum under soaps and creams for suggestions. As far as how long it took you to shave, I wouldn't worry about it. As your skills improve the less problems you may have and you will spend less time shaving. A lot of information on SRP, check the Wiki out for some guidance on shaving with a straight, watch some video's of people using a straight, stropping and making lather with your brush. I'm sure you will get a lot of input from people here.

  4. #4
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies guys it seems like the razor might not have been shave ready! Ill wait for the boker bc its listed as shave ready and compare the two- if I have to ill send the dovo out. Definitely will invest in some good shaving cream now!

  5. #5
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies guys it seems like the razor might not have been shave ready! Ill wait for the boker bc its listed as shave ready and compare the two- if I have to ill send the dovo out. Definitely will invest in some good shaving cream now!

  6. #6
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    If the razor was shave ready, it could be pressure and angle. That's a very common beginner problem. Also try to find some local help, it's really worth it

  7. #7
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    Thanks the guy that I bought it from is actually a sharpener himself so I'm going to go to him and see what he thinks of the edge if the boker doesn't match up

  8. #8
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    Invest in having it honed by the guys in the classifieds on here! Worth the 15-20 bucks and you will get an idea of what a straight is suppose to feel like!

  9. #9
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    Any specific recommendations?

  10. #10
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    I have to say I was frustrated before but now looking at it I didn't do that bad of a job! At least I'm not all bloody! I suppose there's a big learning curve in this the style of shaving.

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