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Thread: Confirmation on hones

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    The 3/10 is something that I haven't seen until you posted about it in another thread,, I have a 3k and a 10K in the Naniwa SS line,,,

    Honestly I think it is a long jump but Yes it could be done, heck we have done 1k -------> just about any finisher you can name, so yes it can be done but you are going to have to learn to use that system to it's maximum so you are going to have to figure it out

    Take a look at the One Stone Honing thread from Lynn and I to see how we did the 1k bevel sets and then jumped to one finishing stone
    Thank you again for your reply, it's really very much appreciated. I also apologise for posting the same question in multiple threads, it's just that I'd like to get some exposure on this as apparently the 3/10 isn't an often met combination. My thinking was that obviously most people do well with the norton 4/8 as it is readily available and has been used for apparently the entire history of this site.

    So the theoretical idea was basically if there was no norton, and you guys had started with a 3/10 if it would have been way too much of a stretch or if you would have just gotten used to it as the norm. Hope that makes sense.(made some form of sense in my head)

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by StefanD View Post
    Thank you again for your reply, it's really very much appreciated. I also apologise for posting the same question in multiple threads, it's just that I'd like to get some exposure on this as apparently the 3/10 isn't an often met combination. My thinking was that obviously most people do well with the norton 4/8 as it is readily available and has been used for apparently the entire history of this site.

    So the theoretical idea was basically if there was no norton, and you guys had started with a 3/10 if it would have been way too much of a stretch or if you would have just gotten used to it as the norm. Hope that makes sense.(made some form of sense in my head)

    If you are asking can I make it work ??? the answer is Yes I can, but keep in mind I can make a 1k to a Chinese Natural jump work too, in fact Lynn and I did an entire thread and segment specifically dedicated to making those long jumps work... search "One Stone Honing from Lynn and Glen"

    Is it the optimal set up ??? No it is much like people asking about the 1/6 King stone, these are long jumps and Yes they can work, but You have to figure out how to make them happen, and it takes extra effort..
    This site has boiled down the easiest paths for people to be successful at honing their own razors, but there are other paths, and we have tried many of them, but so far none are as easy as the 4/8 or 3/8 backbone to honing... Doesn't mean they don't work they just take longer to perfect..

    The biggest issue I see with the 3/10 jump is the the Naniwa SS 10k might be one of the best polishers out there, it might take some doing to get that hone to cut rather then polish, in fact it might take a bit of slurry from a "Synthetic prep stone" this introduces another variable into the mix... (agian refer to the One Stone Honing thread to see how we did those)
    Every variable drops the consistency level of the outcome, which can make it a more daunting task when you are new..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 12-07-2012 at 04:32 PM.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    If you are asking can I make it work ??? the answer is Yes I can, but keep in mind I can make a 1k to a Chinese Natural jump work too, in fact Lynn and I did an entire thread and segment specifically dedicated to making those long jumps work... search "One Stone Honing from Lynn and Glen"
    Well I couldn't agree more. In the end I am buying the 3/10 combo, mostly because I want the 10 for maintenance anyway and I can always get a 5 or 8 k to get a more decent progression. Also the Norton combo was quite more expensive here in the UK. I will definitely try and see what I can get just out of the 3/10 as well, but my hopes aren't too high.

    I apologise if I've been sounding a bit inflexible, it's mostly a budget thing

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