Thanks for all the input guys. The budget is higher than $65. I just jumped on that so called deal because thats what I thought I was getting, a deal. I don't mind spending the money on one of the cheaper Dovos or Bokers, or even a nicer strop. I just pulled the trigger on that starter set too quickly and without any research. I have only heard good things about Larry at whipped dog, but I think I'll end up getting a new razor.

The name brand of the blade in question is Buckingham and Sons, which nobody here can seem to find any legit info on.
As far as keeping the blade and sending to a honer, Blix did a review on the razor after honing it and talked about how it just couldn't keep an edge.
Gonna play it safe and start over. I don't want a low quality razor to discourage me right off the bat.
Thanks again for all the input.
