So tonight I executed my first shave ever and I had a few issues. First I found that the shave soap on my face made the razor "stick" in places. I don't mean like it was catching on my face I mean the width of the blade would stick to my face. At that point I would obviously stop because I was going very slowly and really didn't want to bleed everywhere due to some stupid mistake. I solved this by ostensibly dry shaving which obviously lit my face up pretty good (not with cuts just razor burn, I'll get to the cuts) so how do i fix the sticky face issue w/o dry shaving? Secondly my chin has a ridiculous dimple in the middle, my mother loves it my razor on the otherhand isn't so fond. I ended up having to go all WTG on that and I couldn't even conceptualize how I would XTG or ATG on my chin because the handle kept kitting in the way or I would end up covering my eyes somehow any suggestions on XTG/ATG around the chin area I ended up with 4 cuts total all in the chin area. I also am not sure if I am putting enough pressure when I shave or when I strop is there a good rule of thumb on pressure or is that more of a trial and error type of thing? I also practiced lathering up with my brush and whatnot with my regular cartridge razor in preparation for this and my brush smells kinda weird, not bad but it definitely smells kind of like a barber shop/hair warmed by a hair dryer. I know that is a lot of stuff and hopefully someone can answer a few of those. Thanks everyone I am super pumped my first time went so well and I didn't end up with stitches in my face.