Well I will admit that Im not the smartest person as of yet when it comes to straight razors, but Im still failing to make the connection as to why cutting an inch of so of hanging paper would completely destroy a razor blade. Maybe my logic doesnt apply here, but I would think that given papers thickness and coarseness compared to a human hair, especially facial hair, that there wouldnt be much of a difference between cutting the two. Im also a bit worried because if cutting paper ruins a blade, then in turn, nicking a strop which is far more coarse than paper would also destroy the blade. Likewise, so would cutting skin. I understand that a blade is fragile due to how thin it is made during honing, but it is still steel. Granted sharpened steel will still dull over time, I would hardly think that a cut through paper would do it instantly.

What makes my ideas even more questionable as to what Im reading is the fact that prior to all of this it would barely cut hair and after I could reasonably remove hair from my arm. Granted the hair on my arm is probably finer then the hair on my face, it is still hair.

I will talk to Wullie though and see what he recommends or says. I wasnt aware that he hones his own razors, so maybe that will be beneficial.