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Thread: Under the nose and chin.

  1. #11
    Senior Member Kaden101's Avatar
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    It took me weeks to be able to get above my top lip done without cutting myself. I've only been doing this since mid December & it's only the last couple of shaves that I've been get blood free results, & I've still got a long way to go. I found that it's initially very difficult to judge the pressure under your nose, especially if you try doing it with a traditional grip on the razor. Definitely worth experimenting. Also, don't be afraid of backing off, doing the areas you're comfortable with & resorting to your old razor to do the bits that you know you'll cut. Give it a few more weeks when your muscle memory is more acquainted to holding the straight & you'll probably find it less daunting, at least that's what worked for me.

  2. #12
    Senior Member anthogia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Under the nose and chin.

    Quote Originally Posted by pbsd View Post
    Hey all, I have been straight shaving now for about a week. I know I know, I am a serious veteran . Anyway, I am having a few issues that I am hoping you could help me with.

    First: I am cutting myself under my nose and chin no matter how careful I try to be. Anyone else have this problem and able to get past it?

    Second: After my shave my skin is SUPER DRY. I am currently using Nivia after-shave balm. I know its not the regular straight razor after shaves that are popular but it's what I have right now. I don't know if that is contributing to it.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
    As far as the dry skin goes try the art of shavings hydrating toner- I have real dry skin as well and after my shave I use a few sprays of that a couple times and I'm good to go.

  3. #13
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    Okay, so after shaving this morning the spot under my nose, good, no nicks. My chin...that's another story. Many little nicks. Ahh frustration. I really shouldn't be, I have been making a lot of improvement since I began a week ago. I just don't understand what the difference between my chin and the rest of my face. I pull the skin tight go slow and with a light touch.

    Oh and I even did the Coup de Maitre with success! I think i deserve another shave!
    tiddle likes this.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Congrats on doing the Coup de maitre successfully. I cheat and were a stash. For my chin going downward I use a very small angle pull my lower lip back over my teeth and push my lower jaw out to stretch the skin. Do narrow strips, like peeling an apple, going downwards constantly adjusting the spine as I go to follow the S contour that area now forms. The last 2 passes I do with the blade at a diagonal from left to right and the right to left skipping against the grain in that area.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #15
    "Hey! Captain Kirk is the man...!" suits123's Avatar
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    I had the same problem starting out. I actually have to lather a certain part of my neck, stretch the heck out of it, shave the area, lather a little higher or lower on the neck and repeat. With the mustache area, I actually go across the grain, It works better for my face and I do not cut myself. I then do against the grain by pushing up on my nose or pulling up next to it, and using my tongue to push out the upper lip to flatten.

    Long story short be creative with what you are doing. I learned fast that my skin/face required things that I never read or heard about before to get that perfect shave.

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