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Thread: Is this normal - everyone seems largely sold out

  1. #1
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    Default Is this normal - everyone seems largely sold out


    It seems that virtually every vendor of quality merchandise is very low just now.

    Is this normal after Christmas - or did they all have a very good year (hope so). If that is the case then our crazy obsession must be catching on around the world......

    Curious minds want to know.....

  2. #2
    jax is offline
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    I'm curious as to if there are normal trends as well, but I can say that I called the gentlemen at SRD and asked the guy 'how come 4 out of 5 razor choices are sold out?'. He told me they have continuous orders from the places [i was asking about DOVO in particular at the time] and they [SRD] are just continuously waiting on inventory.

    I realize this doesn't answer your question, but I too noticed there are a lot of 'out of stock' out there. I suppose it could be that there are limited places that truly offer those blades as shave ready, which limits the places most people order from. Since it's nice to just order a new razor and not worry about sending it off again to get it ready, i'm guessing when you see other random places having their razors in stock.. they just have a very slow turnaround compared to the places that will sharpen for you.

    Just a guess- i could (and most certainly am in one way or another) be full of shit

  3. #3
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    To me it was not just razors - but all kinds of items - soaps/creams, strops, stones, etc.

    I am actually hoping that the demand has caught them all a little off guard - bad for prices (from my point of view) but good for the suppliers.

    Which means ultimately more and better stuff available for us to feed out addictions with..... I mean buy so that we can save even more money.... In short, more fun!

  4. #4
    Senior Member England's Avatar
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    I read on another forum somewhere that in the UK the sale of straight razors, soaps, strops etc had gone up four-fold since the latest bond film which had a straight razor shaving scene in.
    The more we learn the less we know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by England View Post
    I read on another forum somewhere that in the UK the sale of straight razors, soaps, strops etc had gone up four-fold since the latest bond film which had a straight razor shaving scene in.
    that doesn't sound unlikely haha! when i bought my first razor i told a friend and his response was 'oh because of the bond film... cool' which made me feel kind of insulted!

  6. #6
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    I read the same about a 400% increase in straight razor sales since skyfall. I'd feel a bit insulted too if someone thought I's bought my razor just because of skyfall, although it did inspire me a little. I'd been thinking about straight razor shaving for at least ten years and never quite new where to start.

  7. #7
    Senior Member proximus26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezekiel81 View Post
    I read the same about a 400% increase in straight razor sales since skyfall.
    Well 400% of 10 razor or 1 per week or month. We do not know.

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    When I got my first straight at end of nov, I was waiting on skyfall comments. At least I had been using soap and brush for a couple of months before that and on SRP as well.

  9. #9
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Usually, the holiday season depletes the stock at many small vendors not just those of shaving supplies. Small businesses generally do not have the resources to keep vast stockpiles on hand and if they had a great end of year they might be a while getting restocked.

    Patience make help you make better choices or at least different ones.


  10. #10
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    I don't think there's anything wrong with being inspired by Skyfall. Anything that grows the community is good. I don't see the benefit in judging people based on how they got here.
    TexasShaver likes this.

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