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Thread: First razor purchase - French "Bellefontaigne Montreal" - and down the slippery slope

  1. #11
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Looks like a keeper to me, very nice!
    Hur Svenska stålet biter kom låt oss pröfva på.

  2. #12
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    I had hoped that this would be the razor I would learn to hone with (I purchased another "shave ready" razor from Larry, which has yet to arrive). However, I have attempted to set the bevel on it and am too concerned about damaging it to continue - because of the slight smile I've been using an X-stroke with the razor at 45 degrees. Although I can remove an entire bevel of permanent marker with one stroke, I tend to ruin the edge by lifting the spine at the end of the stroke.

    All of which means that I'd like a third razor to practice honing instead...

    What was that about RAD?

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdwardRoland View Post
    I had hoped that this would be the razor I would learn to hone with (I purchased another "shave ready" razor from Larry, which has yet to arrive). However, I have attempted to set the bevel on it and am too concerned about damaging it to continue - because of the slight smile I've been using an X-stroke with the razor at 45 degrees. Although I can remove an entire bevel of permanent marker with one stroke, I tend to ruin the edge by lifting the spine at the end of the stroke.

    All of which means that I'd like a third razor to practice honing instead...

    What was that about RAD?

    I don't know that I would call it RAD. That's simply making an intelligent decision. If you want to learn to hone, buy some rough blades from eBay.
    MickR likes this.

  4. #14
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    Well, an update.

    On the advise of forum members, I had johmrson of this forum (from Melbourne) hone my razor for me, and teach me a few things. He was wonderfully generous with his time and his knowledge, and I'd strongly recommend anyone else in the Melbourne area interested in straight razors to contact him.

    I've had a few shaves with this razor now, only around the sides of my face (finishing the shave with my SE). My first impression was a rather unpleasant tugging, but that went away after 25 strokes on linen and 50 on leather. I also found that it's necessary to use a confident stroke, but without using any pressure, if that makes sense.

    After 3 shaves I still haven't nicked or cut myself with the straight.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Chreees's Avatar
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    That is a sexy razor! I am super jealous. Congrats and hope it gives you many great shaves.

  6. #16
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    Further update - I can now shave my entire face to a respectable standard. Nothing fancy, but certainly better than using a cartridge. Not up to the standard of the SE.

    The razor seems to really struggle with the area just under my nose, however. Seems particularly might hairs grow there. I find that a dozen strop strokes before attacking the area helps, but it's still an area that I need to improve.

    I'm using this razor with a puck of Floris JF, Nivea aftershave balm and a Mühle "basic" 21mm pure badger, the latter very kindly given to me by JohnMRson of this forum. He also gave me a wonderful Ambrose strop (the Spanish horse, I think), which has obviously had a hard life but works beautifully nonetheless. Here's a picture (and no the razor isn't resting on its edge):

    Name:  2013-03-07 14.01.10.jpg
Views: 93
Size:  25.8 KB

    Shaving with a straight also appears to have single-handedly and completely cured the acne and dermatitis I've been suffering from since being a teenager.

    Looking forward to receiving two sight-unseen razors and a 24mm Silvertip from WD in the next few days...
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    Last edited by EdwardRoland; 03-07-2013 at 03:13 AM.

  7. #17
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    Nice razor!

  8. #18
    Member skullz's Avatar
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    Man that's a nice razor! I just bought my first too. A Dovo Best Quality 5/8 Blonde. The scale color looks the same as yours. Wasn't my first color choice but it's grown on me.

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