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Thread: Neck Shaving

  1. #1
    Junior Member guesser72's Avatar
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    Default Neck Shaving

    Im having a problem removing all the hair on my neck, when I go with the grain i cant seem to get all the hairs, and when I go against the grain Im still missing a bunch, any advice would be great

  2. #2
    Sinner Saved by Grace Datsots's Avatar
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    Given your other recent posts I think it is a matter of skill. Try working on skin stretching it is a skill often overlooked by us noobs. Secondarily read up on the Shaving Passes, but don't go whole hog and cut your self up.

    Congratulations on the progress. Enjoy the learning curves.

    Last edited by Datsots; 02-08-2013 at 06:43 AM.

  3. #3
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Hi, I bet there are two issues here:

    (1) that you think you're going completely ATG but maybe you aren't, maybe the hairs are growing higgledy-piggledly (mine are), and
    (2) that you have some 'hollows' in your neck where the tends etc are and the razor doesn't get in there properly.

    Maybe try and have a really good look at exactly which direction the hairs grow. When I first started I assumed WTG was N-S and ATG was S-N which isn't the case for me. For me to get completely ATG (i.e. to come up against each hair 100% ATG) I need to use a DE, as the straight just won't fit in there.

    Also, try a lot of skin stretching by both stretching the skin with the fingers and also the placement of the head (i.e. looking up and sideways etc).

    Hope this helps.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I don't know if this is going to help you any because don't know that you are experiencing the same problems. But I gave a couple others this advice in the past. Maybe it works for some of us. It works very well for me.

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