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Thread: Hunting for first razor

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Hunting for first razor


    I'm trying to get started with a straight razor. I've got pretty much no equipment - I have a brush and some cream from art of shaving - gf got it for me to use with my safety razor a few months ago.

    Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what I should get. I found some decent (at least I think they're decent) blades on ebay and on a website. Just wanted to know what you guys think would be the best deal/way to start out.

    Dovo Bismarck 6/8
    Dovo Diamant 5/8
    Another Dovo - not sure what 'model'
    Or one of the first three on this page - basically a set typically hovers around 175-200 get blade, strop, brush, (some come with cream)

    I know this is asking a lot, but I'm really not too sure which way to go - plus I don't want to make a dumb move by buying something that's not worth it.

    Any suggestions/advice/opinions are most welcome.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Senior Member ccase39's Avatar
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    First off I would highly highly recommend you not get your first razor off ebay. New or otherwise. There are many variables to consider before buying your first razor. Starting here is on the right track. First thing you want to make sure of is that the razor you buy, no matter where it comes from is shave ready or professionally honed. Dovos as with most razors do not come that way from the factory so you would have to send it off for a couple of weeks to get honed which is an extra expense. Some vendors do include honing free of service with the purchase but not all. Dovos are a very good brand, and I have a Bismark myself and love it. Again mine did come professionally honed. I would begin by checking some of the sponsors of this site. They are known by the moderators to be fair and reputable. There is TONS of crap out there and even some vendors that claim they hone them do not have as high of a standard as others. Spend some time reading through here and continue to ask lots of questions before you buy! You will need to make sure you get a strop as well so figure that into your price. Welcome! and get ready for a great new art and hobby! Its addictive.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Take a look at our "classified" section above, buy a razor from a known member, who can shave ready it.
    You will probably save enough to buy a strop.
    Remember razors are added to the classified section all day long.
    SirStropalot, BobH and gooser like this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I'm w/ Hirlau & SirStrop.

    I was so excited about my first purchase, I had visions that I'd buy quality and not need anything else. It must be a guy thing. The truth is that the first 6 mo of str8 shaving is learning your facial topography in detai, how the beard lays in each spot, and what bizarre looking stretch & stroke will clean each area. Each that you link would be fine - but so would a well done old blade that's been well honed. The latter would cost about 1/3 of the others.

    If you notice other members live in your area, try to get together w/ them. Some may be willing to let you try some of their blades - and you learn alot very quickly about what feels best. If you make it near Portland, OR, hollar. 'Come try some gear.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Get started with a cheap and cheerful shave-ready razor from the classifieds. They keep their value in case you decide after a while that straight shaving just isn't the thing for you.

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