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Thread: Knowing One's Limitations

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Knowing One's Limitations

    I've heard it said that if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.

    Over the course of the last year since I've gotten into straight shaving, there has been a distinct learning curve. It started with shaving techniques, the types of blades, soaps and lotions, storage and maintenance, honing, RAD, metallurgy and history of grooming. Each required a certain set of equipment and because I live in an apartment, the organization of that equipment. Because I live by myself, there is a great deal of flexibility in these arraignments.

    Then came repair and restoration. Again, within the confines of my living space, this requires organization. There isn't a place to set out a project, work on it, leave for a period and come back to it. In a shop, you have your workbench where you set your tools out in an order that suits you and makes sense to you. In an apartment, the workbench is also the kitchen table and as a result, anything you're working on needs to go back into storage until you have time to unpack everything and start over. Which is fine as long as you know that in advance.

    This post is prompted by what I learned today. If you are a beginner and are in the same situation that I am and want to do more than handcraftman type work, know this. Although you may own them, power tools to not belong in the kitchen. I think small rotary tools are fine, even a jig saw. Hand sanding will work as long as you're neat.

    But that big, ole Porter-Cable router should stay in storage. Learn from my experience. There is no way that you will be able to cobble together a collection system that will work in the kitchen. Wipe that thought from your head. Never mind the safety factors of working with tools in confined spaces. As safe as you can be, the mess is not worth it.

    And never, ever attempt to USE A ROUTER ON PLASTIC IN THE KITCHEN! NEVER! I'm going to be finding white flecks of plastic all over the apartment for the next month. It's going to be like when I worked at Studio 54, glitter everywhere.

    I've made arraignments to get some bench space at a local scene shop and will be able to do more there. But if you don't have that option, stick with the coping saw and sanding blocks and the stones. Either go big or stay home.

    BTW, it's the best damn hobby you can find. Enjoy!
    velocityboy likes this.

  2. #2
    Member Jtnaas's Avatar
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    To true, if I attempted to do more than small work in our kitchen my wife would probably strangle me. Fortunately I have a basement with quite a bit of space to spread out.

  3. #3
    Member velocityboy's Avatar
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    Dude. I hear ya. I left my last apartment with a line of dried greaseless compound running along the length of the bedroom ceiling- courtesy of the buffing wheel and my novice hands.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I learned long long ago there is a distinct limit to what you can do in the house period. Most projects are best left in the basement or garage.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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